
Book Chapters and Journal Publications

  1. Herre, Jürgen and Disch, Sascha
    MPEG-I Immersive Audio - Reference Model For The New Virtual / Augmented Reality Audio Standard
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 71: 229–240, 2023. DOI
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Disch, Sascha},
    doi = {10.17743/jaes.2022.0074},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Journal of the Audio Engineering Society},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {229 - 240},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{MPEG}-{I} {Immersive} {Audio} - {Reference} {Model} {For} {The} {New} {Virtual} / {Augmented} {Reality} {Audio} {Standard}},
    volume = {71},
    year = {2023}
  2. Anemüller, Carlotta, Adami, Alexander, and Herre, Jürgen
    Efficient Binaural Rendering of Spatially Extended Sound Sources
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 71: 281–292, 2023. DOI
    abstract = {In virtual/augmented reality or 3D applications with binaural audio, it is often desired to render sound sources with a certain spatial extent in a realistic way. A common approach is to distribute multiple correlated or decorrelated point sources over the desired spatial extent range, possibly derived from the original source signal by applying suitable decorrelation filters. Based on this basic model, a novel method for efficient and realistic binaural rendering of spatially extended sound sources is proposed. Instead of rendering each point source individually, the target auditory cues are synthesized directly from just two decorrelated input signals. This procedure comes with the advantage of low computational complexity and relaxed requirements for decorrelation filters. An objective evaluation shows that the proposed method matches the basic rendering model well in terms of perceptually relevant objective metrics. A subjective listening test shows, furthermore, that the output of the proposed method is perceptually almost identical to the output of the basic rendering model. The technique is part of the Reference Model architecture of the upcoming MPEG-I Immersive Audio standard.
  3. Herre, Jürgen, Disch, Sascha, and Lerch, Alexander
    Quellcodierung in 'Handbuch der Audiotechnik'
    In Stefan Weinzierl (ed.): Handbuch der Audiotechnik, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 2. Auflage, 2022. DOI
    abstract = {Dieses Handbuch gibt einen Überblick über die wesentlichen Bestandteile einer Audioübertragungskette, von der Klangerzeugung bis zum Hörer. Es wendet sich an Tonmeister, Toningenieure und Tontechniker, an Entwickler ebenso wie an Anwender im Bereich der audiovisuellen Medientechnik, des Rundfunks und des Films. Als umfassendes Nachschlagewerk für das Gebiet der Audiotechnik, verfasst von maßgeblichen Wissenschaftlern und Entwicklern aus Forschung und Industrie, sammelt es das konzentrierte Wissen der Experten. Es beinhaltet abgestimmte Beiträge zu den akustischen und systemtheoretischen Grundlagen, zur Psychoakustik und Audiologie, zum räumlichen Hören, zur musikalischen Akustik, Raumakustik, Studioakustik, Mikrofone und Lautsprecher, Aufnahme- und Wiedergabetechnik sowie Beschallungstechnik. Dateiformate für Audio, Audiobearbeitung, Digitale Audiotechnik, Audiosignalverarbeitung, Wandler und Prozessoren, Anschlusstechnik und Interfaces, drahtlose Übertragung, Schirmung und Erdung sowie Messtechnik werden behandelt. Geschrieben ist dieses Handbuch für Anwender in den Bereichen Audiotechnik, Tonstudiotechnik, Medientechnik, Rundfunk und Film; Studierende finden darin das Fachwissen, das sie im Beruf benötigen.
  4. Quackenbush, Schuyler R. and Herre, Jürgen
    MPEG Standards for Compressed Representation of Immersive Audio
    Proceedings of the IEEE, 109: 1578–1589, 2021. DOI
    abstract = {The term "immersive audio" is frequently used to describe an audio experience that provides the listener the sensation of being fully immersed or "present" in a sound scene. This can be achieved via different presentation modes, such as surround sound (several loudspeakers horizontally arranged around the listener), 3D audio (with loudspeakers at, above, and below listener ear level), and binaural audio to headphones. This article provides an overview of two recent standards that support the bitrate-efficient carriage of high-quality immersive sound. The first is MPEG-H 3D audio, which is a versatile standard that supports multiple immersive sound signal formats (channels, objects, and higher order ambisonics) and is now being adopted in broadcast and streaming applications. The second is MPEG-I immersive audio, an extension of 3D audio, currently under development, which is targeted for virtual and augmented reality applications. This will support rendering of fully user-interactive immersive sound for three degrees of user movement [three degrees of freedom (3DoF)], i.e., yaw, pitch, and roll head movement, and for six degrees of user movement [six degrees of freedom (6DoF)], i.e., 3DoF plus translational x, y, and z user position movements.},
    author = {Quackenbush, Schuyler R. and Herre, Jürgen},
    doi = {10.1109/JPROC.2021.3075390},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {1578-1589},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{MPEG} {Standards} for {Compressed} {Representation} of {Immersive} {Audio}},
    url = {},
    volume = {109},
    year = {2021}
  5. Torcoli, Matteo, Kastner, Thorsten, and Herre, Jürgen
    Objective Measures of Perceptual Audio Quality Reviewed: An Evaluation of Their Application Domain Dependence
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 28: 1530–1541, 2021. DOI
    abstract = {Over the past few decades, computational methods have been developed to estimate perceptual audio quality. These methods, also referred to as objective quality measures, are usually developed and intended for a specific application domain. Because of their convenience, they are often used outside their original intended domain, even if it is unclear whether they provide reliable quality estimates in this case. This work studies the correlation of well-known state-of-the-art objective measures with human perceptual scores in two different domains: audio coding and source separation. The following objective measures are considered: fwSNRseg, dLLR, PESQ, PEAQ, POLQA, PEMO-Q, ViSQOLAudio, (SI-)BSSEval, PEASS, LKR-PI, 2f-model, and HAAQI. Additionally, a novel measure (SI-SA2f) is presented, based on the 2f-model and a BSSEval-based signal decomposition. We use perceptual scores from 7 listening tests about audio coding and 7 listening tests about source separation as ground-truth data for the correlation analysis. The results show that one method (2f-model) performs significantly better than the others on both domains and indicate that the dataset for training the method and a robust underlying auditory model are crucial factors towards a universal, domain-independent objective measure.},
    author = {Torcoli, Matteo and Kastner, Thorsten and Herre, Jürgen},
    doi = {10.1109/TASLP.2021.3069302},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing},
    keywords = {Artifacts; audio coding; audio quality; BAQ; domain-independence; generalization; objective audio quality; objective measures; quality assessment; review and evaluation; source separation; state of the art; transferability},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {1530-1541},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{Objective} {Measures} of {Perceptual} {Audio} {Quality} {Reviewed}: {An} {Evaluation} of {Their} {Application} {Domain} {Dependence}},
    volume = {28},
    year = {2021}
  6. Paulus, Jouni, Torcoli, Matted, Uhle, Christian, Herre, Jürgen, Disch, Sascha, and Fuchs, Harald
    Source separation for enabling dialogue enhancement in object-based broadcast with MPEG-H
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 67: 510–521, 2019. DOI
    abstract = {Dialogue Enhancement (DE) is one of the most promising applications of user interactivity enabled by object-based audio broadcasting. DE allows personalization of the relative level of dialogue for intelligibility or aesthetic reasons. This paper discusses the implementation of DE in object-based audio transport with MPEG-H, with a special focus on source separation methods enabling DE also for legacy content without original objects available. The user-benefit of DE is assessed using the Adjustment/Satisfaction Test methodology. The test results demonstrate the need for an individually adjustable dialogue level because of highly-varying personal preferences. The test also investigates the subjective quality penalty from using source separation for obtaining the objects. The results show that even an imperfect separation result can successfully enable DE leading to increased end-user satisfaction.},
    author = {Paulus, Jouni and Torcoli, Matted and Uhle, Christian and Herre, Jürgen and Disch, Sascha and Fuchs, Harald},
    doi = {10.17743/jaes.2019.0032},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Journal of the Audio Engineering Society},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {510-521},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{Source} separation for enabling dialogue enhancement in object-based broadcast with {MPEG}-{H}},
    volume = {67},
    year = {2019}
  7. Herre, Jürgen and Dick, Sascha
    Psychoacoustic Models for Perceptual Audio Coding - A Tutorial Review
    Applied Sciences, 9, 2019. DOI
    abstract = {Psychoacoustic models of human auditory perception have found an important application in the realm of perceptual audio coding, where exploiting the limitations of perception and removal of irrelevance is key to achieving a significant reduction in bitrate while preserving subjective audio quality. To this end, psychoacoustic models do not need to be perfect to satisfy their purpose, and in fact the commonly employed models only represent a small subset of the known properties and abilities of the human auditory system. This paper provides a tutorial introduction of the most commonly used psychoacoustic models for low bitrate perceptual audio coding.},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Dick, Sascha},
    doi = {10.3390/app9142854},
    faupublication = {no},
    journal = {Applied Sciences},
    keywords = {Psychoacoustic},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{Psychoacoustic} {Models} for {Perceptual} {Audio} {Coding} - {A} {Tutorial} {Review}},
    url = {},
    volume = {9},
    year = {2019}
  8. Torcoli, Matteo, Herre, Jürgen, Fuchs, Harald, Paulus, Jouni, and Uhle, Christian
    The Adjustment/Satisfaction Test (A/ST) for the Evaluation of Personalization in Broadcast Services and its Application to Dialogue Enhancement
    IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 64: 1–15, 2018. DOI
    abstract = {Media consumption in broadcasting is heading towards high degrees of content personalization also in audio thanks to next-generation audio systems. It is thus crucial to assess the benefit of personalized media delivery. To this end, the adjustment/satisfaction test was recently proposed. This is a perceptual test where subjects interact with a user-adjustable system and their adjustments and the resulting satisfaction levels are studied. Two configurations of this test paradigm are implemented and compared for the evaluation of Dialogue Enhancement (DE). This is an advanced broadcast service which enables the personalization of the relative level of the dialog and the background sounds. The test configuration closer to the final application is found to provide less noisy data and to be more conclusive about the quality of experience. For this configuration, DE is tested both in the case in which the original audio objects are readily available and in the case in which they are estimated by blind source separation. The results show that personalization is extensively used, resulting in increased user satisfaction, in both cases.},
    author = {Torcoli, Matteo and Herre, Jürgen and Fuchs, Harald and Paulus, Jouni and Uhle, Christian},
    doi = {10.1109/TBC.2018.2832458},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting},
    keywords = {Adjustment/satisfaction test (A/ST); advanced broadcast services; audio systems; blind source separation (BSS); Dialogue Enhancement (DE); digital audio broadcasting; MPEG-H; next-generation audio (NGA); perceptual evaluation; personalization; quality of experience (QoE); user satisfaction},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {1-15},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{The} {Adjustment}/{Satisfaction} {Test} ({A}/{ST}) for the {Evaluation} of {Personalization} in {Broadcast} {Services} and its {Application} to {Dialogue} {Enhancement}},
    volume = {64},
    year = {2018}
  9. Schöffler, Michael, Bartoschek, Sarah, Stöter, Fabian-Robert, Röß, Marlene, Westphal, Susanne, Edler, Bernd, and Herre, Jürgen
    webMUSHRA - A Comprehensive Framework for Web-based Listening Tests
    Journal of Open Research Software, 6 (1): 8, 2018. DOI
    abstract = {For a long time, many popular listening test methods, such as ITU-R
    BS.1534 (MUSHRA), could not be carried out as web-based listening tests,
    since established web standards did not support all required audio
    processing features. With the standardization of the Web Audio API, the
    required features became available and, therefore, also the possibility
    to implement a wide range of established methods as web-based listening
    tests. In order to simplify the implementation of MUSHRA listening
    tests, the development of webMUSHRA was started. By utilizing webMUSHRA,
    experimenters can configure web-based MUSHRA listening tests without
    the need of web programming expertise. Today, webMUSHRA supports many
    more listening test methods, such as ITU-R BS.1116 and forced-choice
    procedures. Moreover, webMUSHRA is highly customizable and has been used
    in many auditory studies for different purpose},
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Bartoschek, Sarah and Stöter, Fabian-Robert and Röß, Marlene and Westphal, Susanne and Edler, Bernd and Herre, Jürgen},
    doi = {10.5334/jors.187},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Journal of Open Research Software},
    keywords = {web-based, listening tests, auditory experiments, MUSHRA, Web Audio API},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {8},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{webMUSHRA} - {A} {Comprehensive} {Framework} for {Web}-based {Listening} {Tests}},
    url = {},
    volume = {6 (1)},
    year = {2018}
  10. Schöffler, Michael, Silzle, Andreas, and Herre, Jürgen
    Evaluation of Spatial/3D Audio: Basic Audio Quality Versus Quality of Experience
    IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 11: 75–88, 2017. DOI
    abstract = {During the past decades, spatial reproduction of audio signals has evolved from simple two-channel stereo to surround sound (e.g., 5.1 or 7.1) and, more recently, to three-dimensional (3D) sound including height speakers, such as 9.1 or 22.2. With increasing number of speakers, increasing spatial fidelity and listener envelopment are expected. This paper reviews popular methods for subjective assessment of audio. Moreover, it provides an experimental evaluation of the subjective quality provided by these formats, contrasting the well-known basic audio quality (BAQ) type of evaluation with the more recent evaluation of overall listening experience (OLE). Commonalities and differences in findings between both assessment approaches are discussed. The results of the evaluation indicate that 3D audio enhances BAQ as well as OLE over both stereo and surround sound. Furthermore, the BAQ- and OLE-based assessments turned out to deliver consistent and reliable results.},
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Silzle, Andreas and Herre, Jürgen},
    doi = {10.1109/JSTSP.2016.2639325},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing},
    keywords = {3D audio; basic audio quality; overall listening experience; Subjective assessment},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {75-88},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{Evaluation} of {Spatial}/{3D} {Audio}: {Basic} {Audio} {Quality} {Versus} {Quality} of {Experience}},
    volume = {11},
    year = {2017}
  11. Adami, Alexander, Taghipour, Armin, and Herre, Jürgen
    On Similarity and Density of Applause Sounds
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 65: 897–913, 2017. DOI
    abstract = {Applause is the result of people showing their appreciation after a performance by clapping their hands. Applause ranges from very sparse sounds with well-distinguishable individual claps for small crowds to extremely dense and almost noise-like sounds for very large crowds. While commonly used perceptual attributes like loudness, pitch, and timbre seem insufficient to characterize different types of applause, "density" was recently introduced and found to be an important perceptual attribute for characterizing applause sounds. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of applause perception regarding density. In particular, in a first experiment perceived applause density was evaluated and its dependency on spectral equalization was assessed. Then, the contribution of perceived density on the perceived similarity of different applause sounds was investigated in a second experiment. Statistical analyses of the experimental data suggest that spectral equalization has no statistically significant effect on density and only a small but significant effect on similarity perception. A linear mixed effects model fitted to the experimental data revealed that perceived density differences as well as spectral equalization significantly predict applause similarity, whereby density differences were found to be the dominating factor. This confirms that perceived density is indeed a key feature for characterization of applause sounds.},
    author = {Adami, Alexander and Taghipour, Armin and Herre, Jürgen},
    doi = {10.17743/jaes.2017.0034},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Journal of the Audio Engineering Society},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {897-913},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{On} {Similarity} and {Density} of {Applause} {Sounds}},
    volume = {65},
    year = {2017}
  12. Schoeffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen
    The relationship between basic audio quality and overall listening experience
    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140: 2101–2112, 2016. DOI
    abstract = {Basic audio quality (BAQ) is a well-known perceptual attribute, which is rated in various listening test methods to measure the performance of audio systems. Unfortunately, when it comes to purchasing audio systems, BAQ might not have a significant influence on the customers' buying decisions since other factors, like brand loyalty, might be more important. In contrast to BAQ, overall listening experience (OLE) is an affective attribute which incorporates all aspects that are important to an individual assessor, including his or her preference for music genre and audio quality. In this work, the relationship between BAQ and OLE is investigated in more detail. To this end, an experiment was carried out, in which participants rated the BAQ and the OLE of music excerpts with different timbral and spatial degradations. In a between-group-design procedure, participants were assigned into two groups, in each of which a different set of stimuli was rated. The results indicate that rating of both attributes, BAQ and OLE, leads to similar rankings, even if a different set of stimuli is rated. In contrast to the BAQ ratings, which were more influenced by timbral than spatial degradations, the OLE ratings were almost equally influenced by timbral and spatial degradations.},
    author = {Schoeffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen},
    doi = {10.1121/1.4963078},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {2101-2112},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{The} relationship between basic audio quality and overall listening experience},
    volume = {140},
    year = {2016}
  13. Herre, Jürgen, Hilpert, Johannes, Kuntz, Achim, and Plogsties, Jan
    MPEG-H Audio - The New Standard for Universal Spatial/3D Audio Coding
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 62: 821–830, 2014. DOI
    abstract = {Recently, a new generation of spatial audio formats were introduced that include elevated loudspeakers and surpass traditional surround sound formats, such as 5.1, in terms of spatial realism. To facilitate high-quality bit-rate-efficient distribution and flexible reproduction of 3D sound, the MPEG standardization group recently started the MPEG-H Audio Coding development for the universal carriage of encoded 3D sound from channel-based, objectbased, and HOA-based input. High quality reproduction is supported for many output formats from 22.2 and beyond down to 5.1, stereo, and binaural reproduction-independently of the original encoding format-thus overcoming incompatibility between various 3D formats. The paper describes the current status of the standardization project and provides an overview of the system architecture, its capabilities, and performanc},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Hilpert, Johannes and Kuntz, Achim and Plogsties, Jan},
    doi = {10.17743/jaes.2014.0049},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Journal of the Audio Engineering Society},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {821-830},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{MPEG}-{H} {Audio} - {The} {New} {Standard} for {Universal} {Spatial}/{3D} {Audio} {Coding}},
    url = {},
    volume = {62},
    year = {2014}
  14. Herre, Jürgen, Disch, Sascha, and et al.
    Perceptual Audio Coding
    In Chellappa, R. and Theodoridis, S. (ed.) (ed.): Academic press library in Signal processing, Academic Press, Elsevier Ltd., 4: 757–799, 2013.
    address = {Oxford, UK},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Disch, Sascha and et al.},
    author_hint = {Herre, J., Disch, S.},
    booktitle = {Academic press library in Signal processing},
    editor = {Chellappa, R. and Theodoridis, S. (ed.)},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {978-0123965011},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {757 - 799},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Academic Press, Elsevier Ltd.},
    support_note = {Author relations incomplete. You may find additional data in field 'author{\_}hint'},
    title = {{Perceptual} {Audio} {Coding}},
    volume = {4},
    year = {2013}
  15. Brandenburg, Karlheinz, Faller, Christof, Herre, Jürgen, Johnston, James D., and Kleijn, W. Bastiaan
    Perceptual Coding of High-Quality Digital Audio
    Proceedings of the IEEE, 101: 1905–1919, 2013. DOI
    abstract = {This paper introduces high-quality audio coding using psychoacoustic models. This technology is now abundant, with gadgets named after a standard (mp3 players) and the ability to play high-quality audio from literally billions of devices. The usual paradigm for these systems is based on filterbanks, followed by quantization and coding, controlled by a model of human hearing. The paper describes the basic technology, theoretical framework to apply to check for optimality, and the most prominent standards built on the basic ideas and newer work. © 1963-2012 IEEE.},
    author = {Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Faller, Christof and Herre, Jürgen and Johnston, James D. and Kleijn, W. Bastiaan},
    doi = {10.1109/JPROC.2013.2263371},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
    keywords = {Audio coding},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {1905-1919},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{Perceptual} {Coding} of {High}-{Quality} {Digital} {Audio}},
    volume = {101},
    year = {2013}
  16. Herre, Jürgen, Purnhagen, Heiko, Koppens, Jeroen, Hellmuth, Oliver, Engdegård, Jonas, Hilpert, Johannes, Villemoes, Lars, Terentiv, Leon, Falch, Cornelia, Hölzer, Andreas, Valero, Maŕlia Luis, Resch, Barbara, Mundt, Harald, and Oh, Hyen O.
    MPEG Spatial Audio Object Coding-The ISO/MPEG Standard for Efficient Coding of Interactive Audio Scenes
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 60: 655–673, 2012.
    abstract = {In 2007 the ISO/MPEG Audio standardization group started a new work item on efficient coding of sound scenes comprising a multitude of simultaneous audio objects by parametric coding techniques. Finalized in the summer of 2010, the resulting MPEG 'Spatial Audio Object Coding' (SAOC) specification allows the representation of such scenes at bit rates commonly used for coding of mono or stereo sound. At the decoder side, each object can be interactively rendered, supporting applications like user-controlled music remixing and spatial teleconferencing. This paper summarizes the results of the standardization process, provides an overview of MPEG SAOC technology, and illustrates its performance by means of the results of the recent verification tests. The test includes operation modes for several typical application scenarios that take advantage of object-based processing.},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Purnhagen, Heiko and Koppens, Jeroen and Hellmuth, Oliver and Engdegård, Jonas and Hilpert, Johannes and Villemoes, Lars and Terentiv, Leon and Falch, Cornelia and Hölzer, Andreas and Valero, Maŕlia Luis and Resch, Barbara and Mundt, Harald and Oh, Hyen O.},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Journal of the Audio Engineering Society},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {655-673},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{MPEG} {Spatial} {Audio} {Object} {Coding}-{The} {ISO}/{MPEG} {Standard} for {Efficient} {Coding} of {Interactive} {Audio} {Scenes}},
    volume = {60},
    year = {2012}
  17. Herre, Jürgen, Falch, Cornelia, Mahne, Dirk, Del Galdo, Giovanni, Kallinger, Markus, and Thiergart, Oliver
    Interactive teleconferencing combining Spatial Audio Object Coding and DirAC technology
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 59: 924–935, 2011.
    abstract = {The importance of telecommunication continues to grow in our daily lives. An ambitious goal for developers is to provide the most natural means of audio communication by giving users the perception of being located next to each other. MPEG Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) is a technology for coding, transmitting, and interactively reproducing spatial sound scenes on any conventional multi-loudspeaker setup (e.g., ITU 5.1). This paper describes how Directional Audio Coding (DirAC) can be used as a recording front end for SAOC-based teleconferencing systems, capturing acoustic scenes and extracting the individual objects (talkers). By introducing a novel DirAC to SAOC parameter transcoder, a highly efficient way of combining both technologies is presented which enables interactive, object-based spatial teleconferencing.},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Falch, Cornelia and Mahne, Dirk and Del Galdo, Giovanni and Kallinger, Markus and Thiergart, Oliver},
    faupublication = {yes},
    journal = {Journal of the Audio Engineering Society},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {924-935},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{Interactive} teleconferencing combining {Spatial} {Audio} {Object} {Coding} and {DirAC} technology},
    volume = {59},
    year = {2011}
  18. Herre, Jürgen, Falch, Cornelia, Mahne, Dirk, Del Galdo, Giovanni, Kallinger, Markus, and Thiergart, Oliver
    Interactive Teleconferencing Combining Spacial Audio Object Coding and DirAC Technology
    In Journal of the AES: 924–935, 2011.
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Falch, Cornelia and Mahne, Dirk and Del Galdo, Giovanni and Kallinger, Markus and Thiergart, Oliver},
    booktitle = {Journal of the AES},
    edition = {12},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {924-935},
    title = {{Interactive} {Teleconferencing} {Combining} {Spacial} {Audio} {Object} {Coding} and {DirAC} {Technology}},
    url = {{\_}V59/12/},
    venue = {London},
    volume = {59},
    year = {2011}
  19. Herre, Jürgen
    Microelectronic Systems
    In Heuberger A, Elst G, Hanke R (ed.): Microelectronic Systems Circuits, Systems and Applications, Springer: 297–300, 2010.
    author = {Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Microelectronic Systems
    Circuits, Systems and Applications},
    editor = {Heuberger A, Elst G, Hanke R},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {978-3-642-23070-7},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {297 - 300},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Springer},
    title = {{Microelectronic} {Systems}},
    year = {2010}
  20. Herre, Jürgen, Kjörling, Kristofer, Breebaart, Jeroen, Faller, Christof, Disch, Sascha, Purnhagen, Heiko, Koppens, Jeroen, Hilpert, Johannes, Röden, Jonas, Oomen, Werner, Linzmeier, Karsten, and Kok Seng, Chong
    MPEG Surround - The ISO/MPEG Standard for Efficient and Compatible Multichannel Audio Coding
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 56, No. 11: 932–955, 2008.
    abstract = {Finalized in 2006, the MPEG Surround specification enables the transmission of multichannel audio signals at data rates close to those of one- and two-channel systems. This paper describes the technical architecture and capabilities of the specification. Verification tests include several operational modes as they would be used in typical application scenarios. In order to achieve backward compatibility with legacy devices that are not compliant with MPEG Surround, the spatial side information is embedded in either an ancillary part of the downmix bit stream or in a separate stream. This approach is vastly superior to a matrixed system at the comparable data rates.
  21. Herre, Jürgen and Dietz, Markus
    Standards in a Nutshell: MPEG-4 High-Efficiency AAC Coding
    In: Standards in a Nutshell: MPEG-4 High-Efficiency AAC Coding, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 25: 137–142, 2008.
    address = {USA},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Dietz, Markus},
    booktitle = {Standards in a Nutshell: MPEG-4 High-Efficiency AAC Coding},
    edition = {3},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {137-142},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {IEEE Signal Processing Magazine},
    title = {{Standards} in a {Nutshell}: {MPEG}-4 {High}-{Efficiency} {AAC} {Coding}},
    volume = {25},
    year = {2008}
  22. Geiger, Ralf, Yu, Rongshan, Herre, Jürgen, Rahardja, Susanto, Kim, Sang-wook, Lin, Xiao, and Schmidt, Markus
    ISO/IEC MPEG-4 High-Definition Scalable Advanced Audio Coding
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 55: 27–43, 2007.
    abstract = {Recently the MPEG Audio standardization group has successfully concluded the standard-
    ization process on technology for lossless coding of audio signals. A summary of the scalable
    lossless coding (SLS) technology as one of the results of this standardization work is given.
    MPEG-4 scalable lossless coding provides a fine-grain scalable lossless extension of the
    well-known MPEG-4 AAC perceptual audio coder up to fully lossless reconstruction at word
    lengths and sampling rates typically used for high-resolution audio. The underlying innova-
    tive technology is described in detail and its performance is characterized for lossless and near
    lossless representation, both in conjunction with an AAC coder and as a stand-alone com-
    pression engine. A number of application scenarios for the new technology are discussed.
  23. Herre, Jürgen and Lutzky, Manfred
    Perceptual Audio Coding of Speech Signals
    In J. Benesty, M. M. Sondhi, Y. Huang (ed.): Springer Handbook of Speech Processing, Springer: 393–410, 2007.
    address = {Berlin},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Lutzky, Manfred},
    booktitle = {Springer Handbook of Speech Processing},
    editor = {J. Benesty, M. M. Sondhi, Y. Huang},
    faupublication = {no},
    isbn = {978-3-540-49125-5},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {393-410},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Springer},
    title = {{Perceptual} {Audio} {Coding} of {Speech} {Signals}},
    year = {2007}
  24. Herre, Jürgen, Korte, Olaf, and Nordmann, Jan
    MPEG Surround - Universeller Surround-Klang für den digitalen Rundfunk
    Elektronik: -, 2006.
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Korte, Olaf and Nordmann, Jan},
    faupublication = {no},
    journal = {Elektronik},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {-},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{MPEG} {Surround} - {Universeller} {Surround}-{Klang} für den digitalen {Rundfunk}},
    year = {2006}
  25. Quackenbush, Schuyler R. and Herre, Jürgen
    MPEG Surround
    In: IEEE Multimedia Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 12, No.4: 18–23, 2005. DOI
    abstract = {MPEG's most recent effort to progress the state of the art is the MPEG Surround work item. It provides an efficient method for coding multichannel sound via the transmission of a compressed stereophonic (or even monophonic) audio program plus a low-rate side-information channel. Benefits of this approach include backward compatibility with pervasive stereo playback systems while permitting next-generation players to reconstruct high-quality multichannel sound. © 2005 IEEE.},
    address = {Washington},
    author = {Quackenbush, Schuyler R. and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {IEEE Multimedia Magazine},
    doi = {10.1109/MMUL.2005.76},
    edition = {4},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {18-23},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)},
    title = {{MPEG} {Surround}},
    volume = {12, No.4},
    year = {2005}
  26. Herre, Jürgen and Cremer, Markus
    AudioID: MPEG-7 Audio Fingerprinting
    In Raieli, Roberto; Perla Innocenti (ed.): MultiMedia Information Retrieval, AIDA: 211–231, 2004.
    address = {Berlin},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Cremer, Markus},
    booktitle = {MultiMedia Information Retrieval},
    editor = {Raieli, Roberto; Perla Innocenti},
    faupublication = {no},
    isbn = {88-901144-9-5},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {211-231},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {AIDA},
    title = {{AudioID}: {MPEG}-7 {Audio} {Fingerprinting}},
    year = {2004}
  27. Herre, Jürgen
    Content Based Identification (Fingerprinting)
    In Becker E, Buhse W, Günnewig D, Rump N (ed.): Digital Rights Management - Technological, Economic, Legal and Political Aspects, Springerverlag: 93–100, 2003.
    address = {USA},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Digital Rights Management - Technological, Economic, Legal and Political Aspects},
    editor = {Becker E, Buhse W, Günnewig D, Rump N},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {3540404651},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {93-100},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Springerverlag},
    title = {{Content} {Based} {Identification} ({Fingerprinting})},
    year = {2003}
  28. Neugebauer, Christian, Herre, Jürgen, and Brandenburg, Karlheinz
    Sicherheitstechnologien für den elektronischen Musikvertrieb
    In R. Moser, A. Scheuermann (ed.): Handbuch der Musikwirtschaft, Josef Keller Verlag: 144–154, 2003.
    address = {Brandenburg},
    author = {Neugebauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen and Brandenburg, Karlheinz},
    booktitle = {Handbuch der Musikwirtschaft},
    editor = {R. Moser, A. Scheuermann},
    faupublication = {no},
    isbn = {3-7808-0188-4},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {144-154},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Josef Keller Verlag},
    title = {{Sicherheitstechnologien} für den elektronischen {Musikvertrieb}},
    year = {2003}
  29. Herre, Jürgen and Purnhagen, Heiko
    General Audio Coding
    In F. Pereira, T. Ebrahimi (ed.): Prentice Hall IMSC Multimedia Series, ISMC: 487–544, 2002.
    address = {USA},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Purnhagen, Heiko},
    booktitle = {Prentice Hall IMSC Multimedia Series},
    editor = {F. Pereira, T. Ebrahimi},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {0-13-061621-4},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {487-544},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {ISMC},
    series = {The MPEG-4 Book},
    title = {{General} {Audio} {Coding}},
    year = {2002}
  30. Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Herre, Jürgen
    Quellencodierung von Audiosignalen in Hifi-Qualität: Stand der Technik und Entwicklungen
    In: Fernseh- und Kinotechnik, 55. Jahrgang Nr. 6, Fernseh- und Kinotechnik: -, 2001.
    address = {Deutschland},
    author = {Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Fernseh- und Kinotechnik, 55. Jahrgang Nr. 6},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {-},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Fernseh- und Kinotechnik},
    title = {{Quellencodierung} von {Audiosignalen} in {Hifi}-{Qualität}: {Stand} der {Technik} und {Entwicklungen}},
    year = {2001}
  31. Lindsay, Adam and Herre, Jürgen
    MPEG-7 and MPEG-7 Audio - An Overview
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 49, No. 7/8: 589–594, 2001.
    abstract = {For more than 10 years the term MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) has been synonymous with successful standardization in the field of audiovisual coding. The well-known standards MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4 have defined the state of the art in the perceptual coding of multimedia content. More recently the MPEG standards group (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11) has extended its traditional scope by initiating the MPEG-7 standardization process, which aims to define a unified interface for the description and characterization of multimedia content. An overview of the goals, ideas, and concepts behind MPEG-7 is provided, with particular emphasis on the audio part of the emerging standard.},
    author = {Lindsay, Adam and Herre, Jürgen},
    faupublication = {no},
    journal = {Journal of the Audio Engineering Society},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {589-594},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{MPEG}-7 and {MPEG}-7 {Audio} -  {An} {Overview}},
    volume = {49, No. 7/8},
    year = {2001}
  32. Johnston, J D, Quackenbush, Schuyler R., Herre, Jürgen, and Grill, Bernhard
    A Review of MPEG-4 General Audio Coding
    In A. Puri and T. Chen (ed.): Advances in Multimedia: Systems, Standards and Networks, Marcel Dekker: -, 2000.
    address = {London},
    author = {Johnston, J D and Quackenbush, Schuyler R. and Herre, Jürgen and Grill, Bernhard},
    booktitle = {Advances in Multimedia: Systems, Standards and Networks},
    editor = {A. Puri and T. Chen},
    faupublication = {no},
    isbn = {0-8247-9303-X},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {-},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Marcel Dekker},
    title = {{A} {Review} of {MPEG}-4 {General} {Audio} {Coding}},
    year = {2000}
  33. Johnston, James D., Quackenbush, Schuyler R., Davidson, Grant A., Brandenburg, Karlheinz, and Herre, Jürgen
    MPEG Audio Coding
    In A.N. Akansu and M.J. Medley (ed.): Wavelet, Subband and Block Transforms in Communications and Multimedia, Kluwer academic publishers: -, 1999.
    address = {USA},
    author = {Johnston, James D. and Quackenbush, Schuyler R. and Davidson, Grant A. and Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Wavelet, Subband and Block Transforms in Communications and Multimedia},
    editor = {A.N. Akansu and M.J. Medley},
    faupublication = {no},
    isbn = {0-7923-8507-1},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {-},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    publisher = {Kluwer academic publishers},
    title = {{MPEG} {Audio} {Coding}},
    year = {1999}
  34. Herre, Jürgen, Brandenburg, Karlheinz, Quackenbush, Schuyler R., Fielder, Louis, Akagiri, Kenzo, Fuchs, Hendrik, Dietz, Martin, Davidson, Grant A., Oikawa, Yoshiaki, and et al.
    ISO/IEC MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 45: 789–814, 1997.
    abstract = {The ISO/IEC MPEG-2 advanced audio coding (AAC) system was designed to provide MPEG-2 with the best audio quality without any restrictions due to compatibility requirements. The main features of the AAC system (ISO/IEC 13818-7) are described. MPEG-2 AAC combines the coding efficiency of a high-resolution filter bank, production techniques, and Huffman coding with additional functionalities aimed to deliver very high audio quality at a variety of data rates.
  35. Sporer, Thomas, Gbur, U, Herre, Jürgen, and Kapust, Rolf
    Evaluating a Measurement System
    Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 43: 353–363, 1995.
    author = {Sporer, Thomas and Gbur, U and Herre, Jürgen and Kapust, Rolf},
    faupublication = {no},
    journal = {Journal of the Audio Engineering Society},
    note = {herre{\_}books{\_}journals},
    pages = {353 - 363},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    title = {{Evaluating} a {Measurement} {System}},
    volume = {43},
    year = {1995}

Publications and Talks at Conferences


  1. Adami, Alexander and Herre, Jürgen
    Semantic Decomposition of Applause-Like Signals and Applications
    In AES International Conference on Semantic Audio, 2017.
    author = {Adami, Alexander and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {AES International Conference on Semantic Audio},
    faupublication = {yes},
    keywords = {Demonstration},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}applause},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    series = {Demonstration},
    title = {{Semantic} {Decomposition} of {Applause}-{Like} {Signals} and {Applications}},
    venue = {Erlangen},
    year = {2017}
  2. Adami, Alexander, Herzog, Adrian, Disch, Sascha, and Herre, Jürgen
    Transient-To-Noise Ratio Restoration of Coded Applause-Like Signals
    In IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics: 349–353, 2017. DOI
    abstract = {Coding of signals with high amount of dense transient events, like applause, rain drops, etc., is usually a difficult task for perceptual audio coders. Especially at low bit rates, coding (and the associated coding noise) leads to smeared transients and a perceived increase in noise-like signal character. We propose a post-processing technique for coded/decoded applause-like signals which is based on a signal decomposition into foreground (transient) clap events and a more noise-like background part. The proposed method aims at restoring the transient-To-noise ratio of the decoded signal using a static frequency-dependent restoration profile. The method is shown to provide a significant improvement in subjective audio quality (MUSHRA score) when applied to signals originating from a state-of-The-Art audio codec in different configurations.},
    author = {Adami, Alexander and Herzog, Adrian and Disch, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics},
    date = {2017-10-15/2017-10-18},
    doi = {10.1109/WASPAA.2017.8170053},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {9781538616321},
    keywords = {Applause restoration; enhancement; transient separation},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}applause},
    pages = {349-353},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.},
    title = {{Transient}-{To}-{Noise} {Ratio} {Restoration} of {Coded} {Applause}-{Like} {Signals}},
    venue = {Mohonk, New Paltz, NY, USA},
    year = {2017}
  3. Adami, Alexander, Brand, Lukas, and Herre, Jürgen
    Investigations Towards Plausible Blind Upmixing of Applause Signals
    In 142nd Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2017, AES 2017, 2017.
    author = {Adami, Alexander and Brand, Lukas and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {142nd Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2017, AES 2017},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}applause},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
    title = {{Investigations} {Towards} {Plausible} {Blind} {Upmixing} of {Applause} {Signals}},
    url = {∨igin=inward},
    venue = {Berlin},
    volume = {Paper 9750},
    year = {2017}
  4. Adami, Alexander, Brand, Lukas, Disch, Sascha, and Herre, Jürgen
    Blind Upmix for Applause-like Signals Based on Perceptual Plausibility Criteria
    In 20th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2017: 496–501, 2017.
    author = {Adami, Alexander and Brand, Lukas and Disch, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {20th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2017},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}applause},
    pages = {496-501},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {University of Edinburgh},
    title = {{Blind} {Upmix} for {Applause}-like {Signals} {Based} on {Perceptual} {Plausibility} {Criteria}},
    url = {∨igin=inward},
    venue = {Edinburgh},
    year = {2017}
  5. Adami, Alexander and Herre, Jürgen
    Perception and Measurement of Applause Characteristics
    In 29th Tonmeistertagung, 2016.
    author = {Adami, Alexander and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {29th Tonmeistertagung},
    faupublication = {yes},
    keywords = {Applause},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}applause},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Perception} and {Measurement} of {Applause} {Characteristics}},
    venue = {Köln},
    year = {2016}
  6. Adami, Alexander, Disch, Sascha, Steba, Garri, and Herre, Jürgen
    Assessing Applause Density Perception Using Synthesized Layered Applause Signals
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx: 183–189, 2016.
    abstract = {Applause signals are the sound of many persons gathered in one place clapping their hands and are a prominent part of live music recordings. Usually, applause signals are recorded together or alongside with the live performance and serve to evoke the feeling of participation in a real event within the playback recipient. Applause signals can be very different in character, depending on the audience size, location, event type, and many other factors. To characterize different types of applause signals, the attribute of 'density' appears to be suitable. This paper reports first investigations whether density is an adequate perceptual attribute to describe different types of applause. We describe the design of a listening test assessing density and the synthesis of suitable, strictly controlled stimuli for the test. Finally, we provide results, both on strictly controlled and on naturally recorded stimuli, that confirm the suitability of the attribute density to describe important aspects of the perception of different applause signal characteristics.},
    author = {Adami, Alexander and Disch, Sascha and Steba, Garri and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx},
    date = {2016-09-05/2016-09-09},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}applause},
    pages = {183-189},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Assessing} {Applause} {Density} {Perception} {Using} {Synthesized} {Layered} {Applause} {Signals}},
    venue = {Brno, CZE},
    year = {2016}

Virtual and Augmented Reality, Rendering

  1. Silzle, Andreas, Disch, Sascha, Adami, Alexander, Peters, Nils, and Herre, Jürgen
    MPEG-I Immersive Audio - The Upcoming New Audio Standard For Virtual / Augmented Reality
    In Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023: 1624–1627, 2023.
    address = {Berlin},
    author = {Silzle, Andreas and Disch, Sascha and Adami, Alexander and Peters, Nils and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023},
    date = {2023-03-06/2023-03-09},
    editor = {Otto von Estorff, Stephan Lippert},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {978-3-939296-21-8},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}virtual{\_}and{\_}augmented{\_}reality{\_}rendering},
    pages = {1624-1627},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (DAGA)},
    title = {{MPEG}-{I} {Immersive} {Audio} - {The} {Upcoming} {New} {Audio} {Standard} {For} {Virtual} / {Augmented} {Reality}},
    url = {{\_}2023},
    venue = {Hamburg},
    year = {2023}
  2. Herre, Jürgen and Faller, Christof
    Spatial Sound Stability Enhancement By Advanced User-Tracked Loudspeaker Rendering
    In 155th AES Convention, 2023.
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Faller, Christof},
    booktitle = {155th AES Convention},
    date = {2023-10-25/2023-10-27},
    editor = {Audio Engineering Society (AES)},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}virtual{\_}and{\_}augmented{\_}reality{\_}rendering},
    peerreviewed = {No},
    publisher = {Audio Engineering Society (AES)},
    title = {{Spatial} {Sound} {Stability} {Enhancement} {By} {Advanced} {User}-{Tracked} {Loudspeaker} {Rendering}},
    venue = {New York, NY, USA},
    volume = {Express Paper 178},
    year = {2023}
  3. Sporer, Thomas, Jelfs, Sam, and Herre, Jürgen
    Quality Testing for AR and VR in MPEG-I Immersive Audio
    In Proceedings of DAGA 2023, 2023.
    author = {Sporer, Thomas and Jelfs, Sam and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of DAGA 2023},
    date = {2023-03-06/2023-03-09},
    faupublication = {yes},
    keywords = {Augmented Reality; Virtual Reality},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}virtual{\_}and{\_}augmented{\_}reality{\_}rendering},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Quality} {Testing} for {AR} and {VR} in {MPEG}-{I} {Immersive} {Audio}},
    venue = {Hamburg},
    year = {2023}
  4. Robotham, Thomas, Silzle, Andreas, Nastasa, Anamaria, Pawlak, Alan, and Herre, Jürgen
    Perceptual Evaluation of Interior Panning Algorithms Using Static Auditory Events
    In 151st AES Convention: Paper 10513, 2021.
    author = {Robotham, Thomas and Silzle, Andreas and Nastasa, Anamaria and Pawlak, Alan and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {151st AES Convention},
    date = {2022-10-11/2021-10-23},
    faupublication = {yes},
    keywords = {Best Peer Reviewed Paper Award},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}virtual{\_}and{\_}augmented{\_}reality{\_}rendering},
    pages = {Paper 10513},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Perceptual} {Evaluation} of {Interior} {Panning} {Algorithms} {Using} {Static} {Auditory} {Events}},
    url = {},
    venue = {Las Vegas and online},
    volume = {Paper 10513},
    year = {2021}
  5. Rummukainen, Olli S., Robotham, Thomas, Plinge, Axel, Wefers, Frank, Herre, Jürgen, and Habets, Emanuël
    Listening Tests with Individual verses Generic Head-Related Transfer Functions in Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Virtual Reality
    In 5th International Conference on Spatial Audio ICSA, 2019.
    author = {Rummukainen, Olli S. and Robotham, Thomas and Plinge, Axel and Wefers, Frank and Herre, Jürgen and Habets, Emanuël},
    booktitle = {5th International Conference on Spatial Audio ICSA},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {Vorträge und Veröffentlichungen auf Konferenzen{\_}Virtual and Augmented Reality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Listening} {Tests} with {Individual} verses {Generic} {Head}-{Related} {Transfer} {Functions} in {Six}-{Degrees}-of-{Freedom} {Virtual} {Reality}},
    venue = {Ilmenau},
    year = {2019}
  6. Anemüller, Carlotta and Herre, Jürgen
    Calculation of Directivity Patterns from Spherical Microphone Array Recordings
    In 147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019, 2019.
    abstract = {Taking into account the direction-dependent radiation of natural sound sources (such as musical instruments) can help to enhance auralization processing and thus improves the plausibility of simulated acoustical environments, as e.g. found in virtual reality (VR) systems. In order to quantify this direction-dependent behavior, usually so-called directivity patterns are used. This paper investigates two different methods that can be used to calculate directivity patterns from spherical microphone array recordings. A comparison between both calculation methods is performed based on the resulting directivity patterns. Furthermore, the directivity patterns of several musical instruments are analyzed and important measures are extracted. For all calculations, the publicly available anechoic microphone array measurements database recorded at the Technical University Berlin (TU Berlin) was used.},
    author = {Anemüller, Carlotta and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019},
    date = {2019-10-16/2019-10-19},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}virtual{\_}and{\_}augmented{\_}reality{\_}rendering},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
    title = {{Calculation} of {Directivity} {Patterns} from {Spherical} {Microphone} {Array} {Recordings}},
    venue = {New York, NY, USA},
    volume = {Paper 10285},
    year = {2019}
  7. Robotham, Thomas, Rummukainen, Olli, Herre, Jürgen, and Habets, Emanuël
    Evaluation of Binaural Renderers in Virtual Reality Environments: Platform and Examples
    In Proc. Audio Eng. Soc. Convention, 2018.
    address = {New York, USA},
    author = {Robotham, Thomas and Rummukainen, Olli and Herre, Jürgen and Habets, Emanuël},
    booktitle = {Proc. Audio Eng. Soc. Convention},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}virtual{\_}and{\_}augmented{\_}reality{\_}rendering},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
    title = {{Evaluation} of {Binaural} {Renderers} in {Virtual} {Reality} {Environments}: {Platform} and {Examples}},
    url = {∨igin=inward},
    venue = {New York},
    volume = {e-Brief 454},
    year = {2018}
  8. Rummukainen, Olli, Robotham, Thomas, Schlecht, Sebastian, Plinge, Axel, Herre, Jürgen, and Habets, Emanuël
    Audio Quality Evaluation in Virtual Reality: Multiple Stimulus Ranking with Behavior Tracking
    In Proc. of the AES International Conference on Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality (AVAR): 50–59, 2018.
    author = {Rummukainen, Olli and Robotham, Thomas and Schlecht, Sebastian and Plinge, Axel and Herre, Jürgen and Habets, Emanuël},
    booktitle = {Proc. of the AES International Conference on Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality (AVAR)},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {9781510870390},
    keywords = {Best Peer-Reviewed Paper Award},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}virtual{\_}and{\_}augmented{\_}reality{\_}rendering},
    pages = {50-59},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
    title = {{Audio} {Quality} {Evaluation} in {Virtual} {Reality}: {Multiple} {Stimulus} {Ranking} with {Behavior} {Tracking}},
    url = {∨igin=inward},
    venue = {Redmond, WA},
    year = {2018}
  9. Robotham, Thomas, Rummukainen, Olli, Herre, Jürgen, and Habets, Emanuël
    Online vs. Offline Multiple Stimulus Audio Quality Evaluation for Virtual Reality
    In Proc. Audio Eng. Soc. Convention, 2018.
    address = {New York, USA},
    author = {Robotham, Thomas and Rummukainen, Olli and Herre, Jürgen and Habets, Emanuël},
    booktitle = {Proc. Audio Eng. Soc. Convention},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}virtual{\_}and{\_}augmented{\_}reality{\_}rendering},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Online} vs. {Offline} {Multiple} {Stimulus} {Audio} {Quality} {Evaluation} for {Virtual} {Reality}},
    venue = {New York},
    volume = {Paper 10131},
    year = {2018}

Subjective Audio Quality

  1. Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen
    An Improved Metric of Informational Masking For Perceptual Audio Quality Measurement
    In IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2023.
    author = {Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics},
    date = {2023-10-22/2023-10-25},
    editor = {IEEE},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    title = {{An} {Improved} {Metric} of {Informational} {Masking} {For} {Perceptual} {Audio} {Quality} {Measurement}},
    venue = {Mohonk, New Paltz, New York, NY},
    year = {2023}
  2. Herre, Jürgen and Dick, Sascha
    Introducing the Free Web Edition of the "Perceptual Audio Coders - What to Listen For" Educational Material
    In 154th AES Convention, 2023.
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Dick, Sascha},
    booktitle = {154th AES Convention},
    date = {2023-05-13/2023-05-15},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Introducing} the {Free} {Web} {Edition} of the "{Perceptual} {Audio} {Coders} - {What} to {Listen} {For}" {Educational} {Material}},
    venue = {Helsinki},
    volume = {Express Paper 87},
    year = {2023}
  3. Kastner, Thorsten and Herre, Jürgen
    The SEBASS-DB: A Consolidated Public Data Base of Listening Test Results for Perceptual Evaluation of BSS Quality Measures
    In International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, IWAENC 2022 - Proceedings, 2022. DOI
    abstract = {For the development of new and improvement of existing perceptual quality measurement methods for Blind Audio Source Separation (BASS), a large and comprehensive body of subjective reference ratings is necessary, originating from well-conducted listening tests, that enable calibration and testing. To support the community in the advancement of perception-based quality measures for BASS, we published the SEBASS-DB, i.e. the Subjective Evaluation of Blind Audio Source Separation Data Base. The SEBASS-DB is a meta dataset containing the results from five high-quality MUSHRA based listening tests on the Basic Audio Quality of (blindly) separated audio source signals and can be freely used for non-commercial purposes. It contains a total of over 11,000 ratings from over 900 rated audio signals submitted to the audio source separation campaigns 2007, 2008 and 2018 as well as listening test results from three other publications by the authors. Major parts of the listening tests were conducted by expert listeners.},
    author = {Kastner, Thorsten and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement, IWAENC 2022 - Proceedings},
    date = {2022-09-05/2022-09-08},
    doi = {10.1109/IWAENC53105.2022.9914724},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {9781665468671},
    keywords = {audio source separation; dataset; listening tests},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.},
    title = {{The} {SEBASS}-{DB}: {A} {Consolidated} {Public} {Data} {Base} of {Listening} {Test} {Results} for {Perceptual} {Evaluation} of {BSS} {Quality} {Measures}},
    venue = {Bamberg, DEU},
    year = {2022}
  4. Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen
    Investigations on the Influence of Combined Inter-Aural Cue Distortions in Overall Audio Quality
    In DAGA 2019 - 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik: 907–910, 2019.
    abstract = {There is a considerable interest in developing algorithms that can
    predict audio quality of perceptually coded signals to avoid the cost of
    extensive listening tests during development time. While many
    established algorithms for predicting the perceived quality of signals
    with monaural (timbral) distortions are available (PEAQ, POLQA),
    predicting the quality degradation of stereo and multi-channel spatial
    signals is still considered a challenge. Audio quality degradation
    arising from spatial distortions is usually measured in terms of well
    known inter-aural cue distortion measures such as Inter-aural Level
    Difference Distortions (ILDD), Inter-aural Time Difference Distortions
    (ITDD) and Inter-aural Cross Correlation Distortions (IACCD). However,
    the extent to which their interaction influences the overall audio
    quality degradation in complex signals as expressed - for example - in a
    multiple stimuli test is not yet thoroughly studied. We propose a
    systematic approach that introduces controlled combinations of spatial
    distortions on a representative set of signals and evaluates their
    influence on overall perceived quality degradation by analyzing
    listening test scores over said signals. From this study we derive
    guidelines for designing meaningful distortion measures that consider
    inter-aural cue distortion interaction},
    author = {Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {DAGA 2019 - 45. Jahrestagung für Akustik},
    date = {2020-03-18/2020-03-21},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    pages = {p. 907 - 910},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Investigations} on the {Influence} of {Combined} {Inter}-{Aural} {Cue} {Distortions} in {Overall} {Audio} {Quality}},
    url = {   oder},
    venue = {Rostock},
    year = {2019}
  5. Delgado, Pablo, Fleischmann, Felix, and Herre, Jürgen
    Influence of Binaural Processing on Objective Perceptual Quality Assessment
    In Proceedings of the AES International Conference, 2019.
    abstract = {Objective spatial audio quality measurement systems attempt to predict the perceived quality degradation reported in subjective tests by comparing an original reference and a processed version of the same signal. In this context, binaural processing can be used in conjunction with a perceptual model for improved prediction performance. This paper investigates how variations in the binaural processor — namely head rotations, added reverberation and simulated room properties — impact the prediction performance of a standardized objective audio (Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality – PEAQ) quality measurement scheme that has been extended to include spatial aspects.},
    author = {Delgado, Pablo and Fleischmann, Felix and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the AES International Conference},
    date = {2019-08-27/2019-08-29},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
    title = {{Influence} of {Binaural} {Processing} on {Objective} {Perceptual} {Quality} {Assessment}},
    venue = {San Francisco, CA},
    volume = {2019-August},
    year = {2019}
  6. Taghipour, Armin, Schinkel-Bielefeld, Nadja, Kumar, Ankit, Delgado, Pablo, and Herre, Jürgen
    On the Effect of Inter-Channel Level Difference Distortions on the Perceived Subjective Quality of Stereo Signals
    In 144th Audio Engineering Society Convention: Paper Number: 9924, 2018.
    abstract = {Perceptual audio coding at low bitrates and stereo enhancement
    algorithms can affect perceived quality of stereo audio signals. Besides
    changes in timbre, also the spatial sound image can be altered,
    resulting in quality degradations compared to an original reference.
    While effects of timbre degradation on quality are well-understood,
    effects of spatial distortions are not sufficiently known. This paper
    presents a study designed to quantify the effect of Inter-Channel Level
    Difference (ICLD) errors on perceived audio quality. Results show
    systematic effects of ICLD errors on quality: bigger ICLD errors led to
    greater quality degradation. Spectral portions containing relatively
    higher energy were affected more strongl},
    author = {Taghipour, Armin and Schinkel-Bielefeld, Nadja and Kumar, Ankit and Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {144th Audio Engineering Society Convention},
    date = {2018-05-24/2018-05-26},
    faupublication = {yes},
    keywords = {Audio Quality},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    pages = {Paper Number: 9924},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{On} the {Effect} of {Inter}-{Channel} {Level} {Difference} {Distortions} on the {Perceived} {Subjective} {Quality} of {Stereo} {Signals}},
    url = {},
    venue = {Milan},
    year = {2018}
  7. Torcoli, Matteo, Herre, Jürgen, Paulus, Jouni, Uhle, Christian, Fuchs, Harald, and Hellmuth, Oliver
    The Adjustment/Satisfaction Test (A/ST) for the Subjective Evaluation of Dialogue Enhancement
    In 143rd AES Convention, 2017.
    author = {Torcoli, Matteo and Herre, Jürgen and Paulus, Jouni and Uhle, Christian and Fuchs, Harald and Hellmuth, Oliver},
    booktitle = {143rd AES Convention},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{The} {Adjustment}/{Satisfaction} {Test} ({A}/{ST}) for the {Subjective} {Evaluation} of {Dialogue} {Enhancement}},
    venue = {New York},
    volume = {Paper 9842},
    year = {2017}
  8. Westphal, Susanne, Schöffler, Michael, and Herre, Jürgen
    A Framework for Reporting Spatial Attributes of Sound Sources
    In Workshop für Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces (ICMI), 2015.
    author = {Westphal, Susanne and Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Workshop für Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces (ICMI)},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{A} {Framework} for {Reporting} {Spatial} {Attributes} of {Sound} {Sources}},
    url = {},
    year = {2015}
  9. Neumayer, Maximilian, Schöffler, Michael, and Herre, Jürgen
    Distributed Pair Evaluation in Context of MUSHRA Listening Tests
    In Workshop für Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces (ICMI), 2015.
    author = {Neumayer, Maximilian and Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Workshop für Innovative Computerbasierte Musikinterfaces (ICMI)},
    faupublication = {yes},
    keywords = {MUSHRA},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Distributed} {Pair} {Evaluation} in {Context} of {MUSHRA} {Listening} {Tests}},
    year = {2015}
  10. Schöffler, Michael, Stöter, Fabian-Robert, Edler, Bernd, and Herre, Jürgen
    Towards the Next Generation of Web-Based Experiments: A Case Study Assessing Basic Audio Quality Following the ITU-R Recommendation BS.1534 (MUSHRA)
    In WAC '15, 2015.
    abstract = {Listening tests are widely used to assess the quality of audio systems. The majority of such listening tests is conducted in controlled environments with selected participants and professional audio equipment. In the last few years, conducting listening tests over the Internet, as so called web-based experiments, has become popular. A recent study has shown that web-based experiments lead to comparable results as laboratory experiments. Until now, it was only possible to implement a limited number of listening test types as web-based experiments because web standards were missing some crucial features, e. g. sample manipulation of audio streams. With the upcoming of the Web Audio API, a much wider range of listening test types can be implemented as new audio processing features have been introduced. This paper demonstrates which new possibilities are enabled by the Web Audio API. To this end, the ITU-R Recommendation BS.1534 (MUSHRA) is taken as an example.
  11. Schöffler, Michael, Gernert, Jan Lukas, Neumayer, Maximilian, Westphal, Susanne, and Herre, Jürgen
    On the validity of virtual reality-based auditory experiments: A case study about ratings of the overall listening experience
    In {booktitle}: 1–20, 2015. DOI
    abstract = {In recent years, new developments have led to an increasing number of virtual reality (VR)-based experiments, but little is known about their validity compared to real-world experiments. To this end, an experiment was carried out which compares responses given in a real-world environment to responses given in a VR environment. In the experiment, thirty participants rated the overall listening experience of music excerpts while sitting in a cinema and a listening booth being in a real-world environment and in a VR environment. In addition, the VR system that was used to carry out the sessions in the VR environment is presented in detail. Results indicate that there are only minor statistically significant differences between the two environments when the overall listening experience is rated. Furthermore, in the real-world environment, the ratings given in the listening booth were slightly higher than in the cinema.},
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Gernert, Jan Lukas and Neumayer, Maximilian and Westphal, Susanne and Herre, Jürgen},
    doi = {10.1007/s10055-015-0270-8},
    faupublication = {yes},
    keywords = {Convolution engine; Oculus Rift; Overall listening experience; Virtual reality-based experiments},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    pages = {1-20},
    peerreviewed = {Yes},
    publisher = {Springer Virtual Reality},
    title = {{On} the validity of virtual reality-based auditory experiments: {A} case study about ratings of the overall listening experience},
    volume = {19},
    year = {2015}
  12. Adami, Alexander, Schöffler, Michael, and Herre, Jürgen
    Re-Panning of Directional Signals and its Impact on Localization
    In 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2015: 549–553, 2015. DOI
    abstract = {For multichannel audio reproduction systems, it is crucial to set up the speakers correctly according to the multichannel format's specification. Especially, the predefined angle of every speaker with respect to the listening position must be strictly kept to avoid spatial distortions of virtual sources, the so called phantom sources. In a normal living room environment, a specification compliant setup is usually not possible. This means, the resulting audio scene may differ heavily from the originally intended scene, i.e., the phantom sources' positions change. To mitigate these spatial distortions, we propose a re-panning method of directional signals. The method groups pairs of adjacent loudspeakers into segments, analyses the direction of arrivals (DOAs) within each segment by means of a direct-ambience decomposition and re-renders the direct components with respect to the actual reproduction setup. The re-panning method was perceptually evaluated by means of a localization listening test.},
    author = {Adami, Alexander and Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2015},
    date = {2015-08-31/2015-09-04},
    doi = {10.1109/EUSIPCO.2015.7362443},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {9780992862633},
    keywords = {format conversion; localization; Spatial audio},
    note = {Vorträge und Veröffentlichungen auf Konferenzen{\_}Subjektive Audioqualität},
    pages = {549-553},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.},
    title = {{Re}-{Panning} of {Directional} {Signals} and its {Impact} on {Localization}},
    venue = {Nice, FRA},
    year = {2015}
  13. Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen
    Towards a Listener Model for Predicting the Overall Listening Experience
    In Proceedings of the 9th Audio Mostly: A Conference on Interaction With Sound, 2014. DOI
    abstract = {Listeners have different preferences when it comes to rating the overall listening experience while listening to music. Therefore, a listener model for predicting the overall listening experience must consider sensory, perceptual, cognitive and psychological aspects rather than solely rely on perception-based attributes (e. g. audio quality) of the music signal. In this work, a generic model framework is defined for modeling a listener while taking part in an auditory experiment. In addition, a subset of the model is used to describe algorithms for predicting the overall listening experience based on experimental results. Thereby, the results of two experiments are utilized to define a prediction algorithm for the cases of bandwidth-degradation stimuli and playback by different reproduction systems.},
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Audio Mostly: A Conference on Interaction With Sound},
    date = {2014-10-01/2014-10-03},
    doi = {10.1145/2636879.2636892},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {978-1-4503-3032-9; DOI: 10.1145/2636879.2636892},
    keywords = {Listener Model; Overall Listening Experience; Quality of Experience},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    series = {ICPS: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series},
    title = {{Towards} a {Listener} {Model} for {Predicting} the {Overall} {Listening} {Experience}},
    url = {},
    venue = {Aalborg},
    year = {2014}
  14. Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen
    The Influence of Audio Quality on the Popularity of Music Videos: A YouTube Case Study
    In Proceedings, First International Workshop on Internet-Scale Multimedia Management (ISMM '14): 35–38, 2014. DOI
    abstract = {Video-sharing websites like YouTube contain many music videos. On such websites, the audio quality of these music videos can differ from poor to very good since the content is uploaded by users. The results of a previous study indicated that music videos are very popular in general among the users. This paper addresses the question whether the audio quality of music videos has an influence on user ratings. A generic system for measuring the audio quality on video-sharing websites is described. The system has been implemented and was deployed for evaluating the relationship between audio quality and video ratings on YouTube. The analysis of the results indicate that, contrary to popular expectation, the audio quality of music videos has surprisingly little influence on its appreciation by the YouTube user.},
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings, First International Workshop on Internet-Scale Multimedia Management (ISMM '14)},
    date = {2014-11-07/2014-11-07},
    doi = {10.1145/2661714.2661725},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {978-1-4503-3157-9; DOI: 10.1145/2661714.2661725},
    keywords = {Audio Quality; Overall Listening Experience; Popularity},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    pages = {35-38},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery, Inc},
    title = {{The} {Influence} of {Audio} {Quality} on the {Popularity} of {Music} {Videos}: {A} {YouTube} {Case} {Study}},
    url = {},
    venue = {Orlando, Florida},
    year = {2014}
  15. Herre, Jürgen and Schöffler, Michael
    About the Different Types of Listeners for Rating the Overall Listening Experience
    In Proceedings of Sound and Music Computing Conference 2014: 886–892, 2014.
    abstract = {When the overall listening experience is rated, listeners are asked to take every aspect into account which seems important to them, including song, lyrics, mood and audio quality. The results of two previously conducted experiments revealed a significant influence of the signal bandwidth and the spatial reproduction format on the overall listening experience. In this work, a systematic analysis is applied to the results of these two experiments with the purpose to investigate listeners in more detail. Regarding rating the overall listening experience, the results show that listeners can rather be described by continuous variables which reflect their preferences than clear categorizations of different listener types. Furthermore, a regression model for predicting ratings was significantly improved by describing the listeners with such continuous variables. Copyright:},
    author = {Herre, Jürgen and Schöffler, Michael},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Sound and Music Computing Conference 2014},
    date = {2014-09-14/2014-09-20},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {9789604661374},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    pages = {886-892},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {National and Kapodistrian University of Athens},
    title = {{About} the {Different} {Types} of {Listeners} for {Rating} the {Overall} {Listening} {Experience}},
    url = {},
    venue = {Athens},
    year = {2014}
  16. Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen
    The Influence of the Single/Multi-Channel-System on the Overall Listening Experience
    In Proceedings of the AES 55th Conference on Spatial Audio, 2014.
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the AES 55th Conference on Spatial Audio},
    date = {2014-08-27/2014-08-29},
    faupublication = {yes},
    isbn = {9781634397599},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
    title = {{The} {Influence} of the {Single}/{Multi}-{Channel}-{System} on the {Overall} {Listening} {Experience}},
    url = {},
    venue = {Helsinki},
    year = {2014}
  17. Schöffler, Michael, Westphal, Susanne, Adami, Alexander, Bayerlein, Harald, and Herre, Jürgen
    Comparison of a 2D- and 3D-Based Graphical User Interface for Localization Listening Tests
    In Proceedings of the EAA Joint Symposium on Auralization and Ambisonics 2014: 107–112, 2014.
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Westphal, Susanne and Adami, Alexander and Bayerlein, Harald and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the EAA Joint Symposium on Auralization and Ambisonics 2014},
    date = {2014-04-03/2023-04-05},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    pages = {107 - 112},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Comparison} of a {2D}- and {3D}-{Based} {Graphical} {User} {Interface} for {Localization} {Listening} {Tests}},
    url = {},
    venue = {Berlin},
    year = {2014}
  18. Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen
    About the Impact of Audio Quality on Overall Listening Experience
    In Proceedings of SMC Conference, 2013.
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of SMC Conference},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{About} the {Impact} of {Audio} {Quality} on {Overall} {Listening} {Experience}},
    venue = {Stockholm},
    year = {2013}
  19. Schöffler, Michael, Edler, Bernd, and Herre, Jürgen
    How Much Does Audio Quality Influence Ratings of Overall Listening Experience?
    In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research: 678–693, 2013.
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Edler, Bernd and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research},
    date = {2013-10-15/2013-10-18},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    pages = {Pages 678 - 693},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{How} {Much} {Does} {Audio} {Quality} {Influence} {Ratings} of {Overall} {Listening} {Experience}?},
    venue = {Marseille},
    year = {2013}
  20. Schöffler, Michael, Stöter, Fabian-Robert, Bayerlein, Harald, Edler, Bernd, and Herre, Jürgen
    An Experiment About Estimating the Number of Instruments in Polyphonic Music: A Comparison Between Internet and Laboratory Results
    In Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR): 389–394, 2013.
    author = {Schöffler, Michael and Stöter, Fabian-Robert and Bayerlein, Harald and Edler, Bernd and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ({ISMIR})},
    editor = {Souza Britto Jr. A, Gouyon F, Dixon S},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    pages = {389-394},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{An} {Experiment} {About} {Estimating} the {Number} of {Instruments} in {Polyphonic} {Music}: {A} {Comparison} {Between} {Internet} and {Laboratory} {Results}},
    venue = {Curitiba},
    year = {2013}
  21. Stöter, Fabian-Robert, Schöffler, Michael, Edler, Bernd, and Herre, Jürgen
    Human ability of counting the number of instruments in polyphonic music
    In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics: 035034 (9 pages), 2013. DOI
    author = {Stöter, Fabian-Robert and Schöffler, Michael and Edler, Bernd and Herre, Jürgen},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics},
    doi = {10.1121/1.4799609},
    faupublication = {yes},
    note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}subjective{\_}audio{\_}quality},
    pages = {035034 (9 pages)},
    peerreviewed = {unknown},
    title = {{Human} ability of counting the number of instruments in polyphonic music},
    url = {},
    volume = {19},
    year = {2013}

Perceived Signal Quality

    Perceptual Measurement

    1. Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen
      A Data-Driven Cognitive Salience Model For Objective Perceptual Audio Quality Assessment
      In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP): 986–990, 2022. DOI
      address = {Singapore},
      author = {Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
      doi = {10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747064},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {986-990},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      title = {{A} {Data}-{Driven} {Cognitive} {Salience} {Model} {For} {Objective} {Perceptual} {Audio} {Quality} {Assessment}},
      venue = {Singapore},
      year = {2022}
    2. Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen
      Can we still use PEAQ? A Performance Analysis of the ITU Standard for the Objective Assessment of Perceived Audio Quality
      In Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 2020. DOI
      abstract = {The Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (PEAQ) method as described in
      the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recommendation ITU-R
      BS.1387 has been widely used for computationally estimating the quality
      of perceptually coded audio signals without the need for extensive
      subjective listening tests. However, many reports have highlighted clear
      limitations of the scheme after the end of its standardization,
      particularly involving signals coded with newer technologies such as
      bandwidth extension or parametric multi-channel coding. Until now, no
      other method for measuring the quality of both speech and audio signals
      has been standardized by the ITU. Therefore, a further investigation of
      the causes for these limitations would be beneficial to a possible
      update of said scheme. Our experimental results indicate that the
      performance of PEAQ’s model of disturbance loudness is still as good as
      (and sometimes superior to) other state-of-the-art objective measures,
      albeit with varying performance depending on the type of degraded signal
      content (i.e. speech or music). This finding evidences the need for an
      improved cognitive model. In addition, results indicate that an updated
      mapping of Model Output Values (MOVs) to PEAQ’s Distortion Index (DI)
      based on newer training data can greatly improve performance. Finally,
      some suggestions for the improvement of PEAQ are provided based on the
      reported results and comparison to other systems. Index Terms—PEAQ,
      ViSQOL, PEMO-Q, objective quality assessment, audio quality, speech
      quality, auditory model, audio codin},
      author = {Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {Twelfth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)},
      date = {2020-05-26/2020-05-28},
      doi = {10.1109/QoMEX48832.2020.9123105},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Can} we still use {PEAQ}? {A} {Performance} {Analysis} of the {ITU} {Standard} for the {Objective} {Assessment} of {Perceived} {Audio} {Quality}},
      url = {{\_}Can{\_}we{\_}still{\_}use{\_}PEAQ{\_}A{\_}Performance{\_}Analysis{\_}of{\_}the{\_}ITU{\_}Standard{\_}for{\_}the{\_}Objective{\_}Assessment{\_}of{\_}Perceived{\_}Audio{\_}Quality},
      venue = {Athlone},
      year = {2020}
    3. Kastner, Thorsten and Herre, Jürgen
      An Efficient Model for Estimating Subjective Quality of Separated Audio Source Signals
      In 2019 IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA): 95–99, 2019. DOI
      address = {NEW YORK},
      author = {Kastner, Thorsten and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {2019 IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA)},
      doi = {10.1109/waspaa.2019.8937179},
      faupublication = {yes},
      month = {Jan},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {95-99},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      title = {{An} {Efficient} {Model} for {Estimating} {Subjective} {Quality} of {Separated} {Audio} {Source} {Signals}},
      venue = {Mohonk, New Paltz, NY},
      year = {2019}
    4. Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen
      Objective Measurement of Stereophonic Audio Quality in the Directional Loudness Domain
      In 147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019: Paper 10251, 2019.
      abstract = {Automated audio quality prediction is still considered a challenge for stereo or multi-channel signals carrying spatial information. A system that accurately and reliably predicts quality scores obtained by time-consuming listening tests can be of great advantage in saving resources, for instance, in the evaluation of parametric spatial audio codecs. Most of the solutions so far work with individual comparisons of distortions of inter-channel cues across time and frequency, known to correlate to distortions in the evoked spatial image of the subject listener. We propose a scene analysis method that considers signal loudness distributed across estimations of perceived source directions on the horizontal plane. The calculation of distortion features in the directional loudness domain (as opposed to the time-frequency domain) seems to provide equal or better correlation with subjectively perceived quality degradation than previous methods, as confirmed by experiments with an extensive database of parametric audio codec listening tests. We investigate the effect of a number of design alternatives (based on psychoacoustic principles) on the overall prediction performance of the associated quality measurement system.},
      author = {Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019},
      date = {2019-10-16/2019-10-19},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {Paper 10251},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
      title = {{Objective} {Measurement} of {Stereophonic} {Audio} {Quality} in the {Directional} {Loudness} {Domain}},
      venue = {New York, NY},
      year = {2019}
    5. Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen
      Objective Assessment of Spatial Audio Quality Using Directional Loudness Maps
      In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP): 621–625, 2019. DOI
      abstract = {This work introduces a feature extracted from stereophonic/binaural
      audio signals aiming to represent a measure of perceived quality
      degradation in processed spatial auditory scenes. The feature extraction
      technique is based on a simplified stereo signal model considering
      auditory events positioned towards a given direction in the stereo field
      using amplitude panning (AP) techniques. We decompose the stereo signal
      into a set of directional signals for given AP values in the Short-Time
      Fourier Transform domain and calculate their overall loudness to form a
      directional loudness representation or maps. Then, we compare
      directional loudness maps of a reference signal and a deteriorated
      version to derive a distortion measure aiming to describe the associated
      perceived degradation scores reported in listening tests.The measure is
      then tested on an extensive listening test database with stereo signals
      processed by state-of-the-art perceptual audio codecs using non
      waveform-preserving techniques such as bandwidth extension and joint
      stereo coding, known for presenting a challenge to existing quality
      predictors. Results suggest that the derived distortion measure can be
      incorporated as an extension to existing automated perceptual quality
      assessment algorithms for improving prediction on spatially coded audio
      address = {Brighton},
      author = {Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
      date = {2019-05-12/2019-05-17},
      doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8683810},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {621-625},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      title = {{Objective} {Assessment} of {Spatial} {Audio} {Quality} {Using} {Directional} {Loudness} {Maps}},
      venue = {Brighton},
      year = {2019}
    6. Delgado, Pablo, Herre, Jürgen, Taghipour, Armin, and Schinkel-Bielefeld, Nadja
      Energy Aware Modeling of Interchannel Level Difference Distortion Impact on Spatial Audio Perception
      In 2018 AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction - Aesthetics and Science: 4–1, 2018.
      abstract = {In spatial audio processing, Inter-aural Level Difference Distortions
      (ILDD) between reference and coded signals play an important role in the
      perception of quality degradation. In order to reduce costs, there are
      efforts to develop algorithms that automatically predict the perceptual
      quality of multichannel/spatial audio processing operations relative to
      the unimpaired original without requiring extensive listening tests.
      Correct modelling of perceived ILDD has a great in?uence in the
      prediction performance of automated measurements. We propose an energy
      aware model of ILDD perception that contemplates a dependency of energy
      content in different spectral regions of the involved signal. Model
      parameters are ?tted to subjective results obtained from listening test
      data over a synthetically generated audio database with arbitrarily
      induced ILDD at different intensities, frequency regions and energy
      levels. Finally, we compare the performance of our proposed model over
      two extensive databases of real coded signals along with two
      state-of-the-art ILDD model},
      author = {Delgado, Pablo and Herre, Jürgen and Taghipour, Armin and Schinkel-Bielefeld, Nadja},
      booktitle = {2018 AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction - Aesthetics and Science},
      date = {2018-08-07/2018-08-09},
      faupublication = {yes},
      keywords = {Perception of Spatial Reproduction; Automated Evaluation of Audio Quality; Psychoacoustics; Inter aural level difference distortions; Energy aware; MUSHRA; Automated quality evaluation},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {Paper Number:  P4-1},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Energy} {Aware} {Modeling} of {Interchannel} {Level} {Difference} {Distortion} {Impact} on {Spatial} {Audio} {Perception}},
      url = {},
      venue = {Tokyo},
      year = {2018}
    7. Keyhl, M, Schmidmer, C, Herre, Jürgen, and Hilpert, Johannes
      Maintaining Sound Quality - Experiences and Constraints of Perceptual Measurements in Today´s and Future Networks
      In 98th AES Convention: -, 1995.
      address = {Paris},
      author = {Keyhl, M and Schmidmer, C and Herre, Jürgen and Hilpert, Johannes},
      booktitle = {98th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Maintaining} {Sound} {Quality} - {Experiences} and {Constraints} of {Perceptual} {Measurements} in {Today}´s and {Future} {Networks}},
      venue = {Paris},
      volume = {Preprint 3946},
      year = {1995}
    8. Keyhl, M, Herre, Jürgen, and Schmidmer, C
      NMR Measurements on Multiple Generations Audio Coding
      In 96th AES Convention: -, 1994.
      address = {Amsterdam},
      author = {Keyhl, M and Herre, Jürgen and Schmidmer, C},
      booktitle = {96th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{NMR} {Measurements} on {Multiple} {Generations} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Amsterdam},
      volume = {Preprint 3803},
      year = {1994}
    9. Sporer, Thomas, Gbur, U, Herre, Jürgen, and Kapust, R
      Evaluating a Measurement System
      In 95th AES Convention: 353–363, 1993.
      author = {Sporer, Thomas and Gbur, U and Herre, Jürgen and Kapust, R},
      booktitle = {95th AES Convention},
      editor = {JAES Volume 43 Issue 5 pp. 353-363; May 1995},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {353 - 363},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Evaluating} a {Measurement} {System}},
      url = {},
      venue = {New York},
      volume = {Preprint 3704},
      year = {1993}
    10. Keyhl, M, Herre, Jürgen, and Schmidmer, Christian
      NMR Measurements of Consumer Recording Devices Which Use Low Bit-Rate Audio Coding
      In 94th AES Convention: -, 1993.
      address = {Berlin},
      author = {Keyhl, M and Herre, Jürgen and Schmidmer, Christian},
      booktitle = {94th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{NMR} {Measurements} of {Consumer} {Recording} {Devices} {Which} {Use} {Low} {Bit}-{Rate} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Berlin},
      volume = {Preprint 3616},
      year = {1993}
    11. Herre, Jürgen, Eberlein, Ernst, Schott, Hartmut, and Brandenburg, Karlheinz
      Advanced Audio Measurement System using Psychoacoustic Properties
      In 92th AES Convention: -, 1992.
      address = {Vienna},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Eberlein, Ernst and Schott, Hartmut and Brandenburg, Karlheinz},
      booktitle = {92th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Advanced} {Audio} {Measurement} {System} using {Psychoacoustic} {Properties}},
      venue = {Vienna},
      volume = {Preprint 3332},
      year = {1992}
    12. Herre, Jürgen, Eberlein, Ernst, Schott, Hartmut, and Schmidmer, Christian
      Analysis Tool for Realtime Measurements using Perceptual Criteria
      In Proceedings of the 11th International AES Conference on Audio Test and Measurement: 180–190, 1992.
      address = {Portland},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Eberlein, Ernst and Schott, Hartmut and Schmidmer, Christian},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International AES Conference on Audio Test and Measurement},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}measurement},
      pages = {180-190},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Analysis} {Tool} for {Realtime} {Measurements} using {Perceptual} {Criteria}},
      venue = {Portland},
      year = {1992}

    Perceptual Audio Coding

    1. Geiger, Ralf, Yu, R, Herre, Jürgen, Rahardja, Susanto, Kim, Sang-wook, Lin, Xiao, and Schmidt, Markus
      ISO/IEC MPEG-4 High-Definition Scalable Advanced Audio Coding
      In 120th AES Convention, 2006.
      abstract = {Recently, the MPEG Audio standardization group has successfully concluded the standardization process on technology for lossless coding of audio signals. This paper provides a summary of the Scalable Lossless Coding (SLS) technology as one of the results of this standardization work. MPEG-4 Scalable Lossless Coding provides a fine-grain scalable lossless extension of the well-known MPEG-4 AAC perceptual audio coder up to fully lossless reconstruction at word lengths and sampling rates typically used for high-resolution audio. The underlying innovative technology is described in detail and its performance is characterized for lossless and near-lossless representation, both in conjunction with an AAC coder and as a stand-alone compression engine. A number of application scenarios for the new technology are discussed finally.},
      address = {Paris},
      author = {Geiger, Ralf and Yu, R and Herre, Jürgen and Rahardja, Susanto and Kim, Sang-wook and Lin, Xiao and Schmidt, Markus},
      booktitle = {120th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {9781604235975},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{ISO}/{IEC} {MPEG}-4 {High}-{Definition} {Scalable} {Advanced} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Paris},
      volume = {Preprint 6791},
      year = {2006}
    2. Yu, Rongshan, Geiger, Ralf, Rahardja, Susanto, Herre, Jürgen, Lin, Xiao, and Huang, Haibin
      MPEG-4 Scalable to Lossless Coding
      In 117th AES Convention: -, 2004.
      address = {San Francisco, USA},
      author = {Yu, Rongshan and Geiger, Ralf and Rahardja, Susanto and Herre, Jürgen and Lin, Xiao and Huang, Haibin},
      booktitle = {117th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      keywords = {Preprint 6183},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{MPEG}-4 {Scalable} to {Lossless} {Coding}},
      venue = {San Francisco},
      year = {2004}
    3. Weishart, M, Göbel, Ralph, and Herre, Jürgen
      Two-Pass Encoding of Audio Material Using MP3 Compression
      In 113th AES Convention: -, 2003.
      address = {Los Angeles},
      author = {Weishart, M and Göbel, Ralph and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {113th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Two}-{Pass} {Encoding} of {Audio} {Material} {Using} {MP3} {Compression}},
      venue = {Los Angeles},
      volume = {Preprint 5687},
      year = {2003}
    4. Geiger, Ralf, Herre, Jürgen, Schuller, G., and Brandenburg, Karlheinz
      Fine Grain Scalable Perceptual and Lossless Audio Coding based on intMDCT
      In IEEE ICASSP: 445–448, 2003.
      abstract = {This papers presents an embedded fine grain scalable perceptual and lossless audio coding scheme. The enabling technology for this combined perceptual and lossless audio coding approach is the Integer Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (IntMDCT), which is an integer approximation of the MDCT based on the lifting scheme. It maintains the perfect reconstruction property and therefore enables efficient lossless coding in the frequency domain. The close approximation of the MDCT also allows to build a perceptual coding scheme based on the IntMDCT. In this paper a bitsliced arithmetic coding technique is applied to the IntMDCT values. Together with the encoded shape of the masking threshold a perceptually hierarchical bitstream is obtained, containing several stages of perceptual quality and extending to lossless operation when transmitted completely. A concept of encoding subslices is presented in order to obtain a fine adaptation to the masking threshold especially in the range of perceptually transparent quality.},
      address = {Hong Kong},
      author = {Geiger, Ralf and Herre, Jürgen and Schuller, G. and Brandenburg, Karlheinz},
      booktitle = {IEEE ICASSP},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {445-448},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      title = {{Fine} {Grain} {Scalable} {Perceptual} and {Lossless} {Audio} {Coding} based on {intMDCT}},
      venue = {Hong Kong},
      volume = {5},
      year = {2003}
    5. Geiger, Ralf, Schuller, Gerald, Herre, Jürgen, Sperschneider, Ralph, and Sporer, Thomas
      Scalable Perceptual and Lossless Audio Compression Based on MPEG-4 AAC
      In 115th AES Convention: -, 2003.
      abstract = {This paper presents a scalable lossless enhancement of MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC). Scalability
      is achieved in the frequency domain using the Integer Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (IntMDCT),
      which is an integer approximation of the MDCT providing perfect reconstruction. With this transform,
      and only minor extension of the bitstream syntax, the MPEG-4 AAC Scalable codec can be extended to
      a lossless operation. The system provides bit-exact reconstruction of the input signal independent of the
      implementation accuracy of the AAC core coder. Furthermore, scalability in sampling rate and reconstruction
      word length is supported.
    6. Moehrs, Sascha, Herre, Jürgen, and Geiger, Ralf
      Analyzing Decompressed Audio with the ‚Inverse Decoder‘ – Towards an Operative Algorithm
      In 112th AES Convention: -, 2002.
      address = {Munich},
      author = {Moehrs, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen and Geiger, Ralf},
      booktitle = {112th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Analyzing} {Decompressed} {Audio} with the ‚{Inverse} {Decoder}‘ – {Towards} an {Operative} {Algorithm}},
      venue = {Munich},
      volume = {Preprint 5576},
      year = {2002}
    7. Sporer, Thomas, Grill, Bernhard, and Herre, Jürgen
      MPEG-4 Low Delay General Audio
      In SPIE's ITCom 2001 International Symposium on the Convergence of IT and Communications, Voice Over IP (VoIP) Technology Section: 1, 2001.
      address = {Denver},
      author = {Sporer, Thomas and Grill, Bernhard and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {SPIE's ITCom 2001 International Symposium on the Convergence of IT and Communications, Voice Over IP (VoIP) Technology Section},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {1},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG}-4 {Low} {Delay} {General} {Audio}},
      venue = {Denver},
      year = {2001}
    8. Geiger, Ralf, Herre, Jürgen, Koller, Jürgen, and Brandenburg, Karlheinz
      INTMDCT - A Link Between Perceptual and Lossless Audio Coding
      In IEEE ICASSP: -, 2001.
      address = {Miami},
      author = {Geiger, Ralf and Herre, Jürgen and Koller, Jürgen and Brandenburg, Karlheinz},
      booktitle = {IEEE ICASSP},
      date = {2001-05-13/2001-05-17},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {IEEE ICASSP},
      title = {{INTMDCT} - {A} {Link} {Between} {Perceptual} and {Lossless} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Miami, USA},
      year = {2001}
    9. Herre, Jürgen and Schug, Michael
      Analysis of Decompressed Audio - 'The Inverse Decoder'
      In 19´09th AES Convention: -, 2000.
      address = {Los Angeles},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Schug, Michael},
      booktitle = {19´09th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {Vorträge und Veröffentlichungen auf Konferenzen{\_}Gehörangepasste Datenreduktion},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Analysis} of {Decompressed} {Audio} - '{The} {Inverse} {Decoder}'},
      venue = {Los Angeles},
      volume = {Preprint 5256},
      year = {2000}
    10. Allamanche, Eric, Geiger, Ralf, Herre, Jürgen, and Sporer, T
      MPEG-4 Low Delay Audio Coding based on the AAC Codec
      In 106th AES Convention: -, 1999.
      address = {Munich},
      author = {Allamanche, Eric and Geiger, Ralf and Herre, Jürgen and Sporer, T},
      booktitle = {106th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{MPEG}-4 {Low} {Delay} {Audio} {Coding} based on the {AAC} {Codec}},
      venue = {Munich},
      volume = {Preprint 4929},
      year = {1999}
    11. Herre, Jürgen and Schulz, Donald
      Extending the MPEG-4 AAC Codec by Perceptual Noise Substitution
      In 104th AES Convention: -, 1998.
      address = {Amsterdam},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Schulz, Donald},
      booktitle = {104th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Extending} the {MPEG}-4 {AAC} {Codec} by {Perceptual} {Noise} {Substitution}},
      venue = {Amsterdam},
      volume = {Preprint 4720},
      year = {1998}
    12. Dietz, Markus, Herre, Jürgen, Teichmann, B, and Brandenburg, Karlheinz
      Bridging the Gap: Extending MPEG Audio down to 8 kbit/s
      In 102nd AES Convention: -, 1997.
      address = {Munich},
      author = {Dietz, Markus and Herre, Jürgen and Teichmann, B and Brandenburg, Karlheinz},
      booktitle = {102nd AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Bridging} the {Gap}: {Extending} {MPEG} {Audio} down to 8 kbit/s},
      venue = {Munich},
      volume = {Preprint 4508},
      year = {1997}
    13. Bosi, M, Brandenburg, Karlheinz, Quackenbush, Schuyler R., Fielder, L, Akagiri, K, Fuchs, Harald, Dietz, M, Herre, Jürgen, Davidson, G, and Oikawa, Y
      ISO/IEC MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding
      In 101st AES Convention: 789–814, 1996.
      author = {Bosi, M and Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Quackenbush, Schuyler R. and Fielder, L and Akagiri, K and Fuchs, Harald and Dietz, M and Herre, Jürgen and Davidson, G and Oikawa, Y},
      booktitle = {101st AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {789 - 814},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{ISO}/{IEC} {MPEG}-2 {Advanced} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Los Angeles},
      volume = {Preprint 4382},
      year = {1996}
    14. Herre, Jürgen and Johnston, J D
      Enhancing the Performance of Perceptual Audio Coders by Using Temporal Noise Shaping (TNS)
      In 101st AES Convention: -, 1996.
      address = {Los Angeles},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Johnston, J D},
      booktitle = {101st AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Enhancing} the {Performance} of {Perceptual} {Audio} {Coders} by {Using} {Temporal} {Noise} {Shaping} ({TNS})},
      venue = {Los Angeles},
      volume = {Preprint 4384},
      year = {1996}
    15. Herre, Jürgen, Brandenburg, Karlheinz, Eberlein, Ernst, and Grill, Bernhard
      Second Generation ISO/MPEG-Audio Layer III Coding
      In 98th AES Convention: -, 1995.
      address = {Paris},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Eberlein, Ernst and Grill, Bernhard},
      booktitle = {98th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Second} {Generation} {ISO}/{MPEG}-{Audio} {Layer} {III} {Coding}},
      venue = {Paris},
      volume = {Preprint 3939},
      year = {1995}
    16. Keyhl, M, Herre, Jürgen, Ferreira, Aníbal, and Gilchrist, N. H. C.
      The Effect of Low Bit-Rate Coding Upon Impaired Audio Material
      In Proceedings of the IBC: 151–158, 1995.
      abstract = {The quality of low bit-rate coding algorithms standardized under ISO/MPEG has been carefully verified by subjective listening tests using audio material of the highest technical quality. When using digital audio compression in the context of television sound systems, however, the question arises, as to how the coders would perform with imperfect audio signals, such as those obtained from impaired film material. This paper describes studies into the effects of the more severe impairments present in film soundtracks upon MPEG-I Layer-2 and Layer-3 audio coding, which have been carried out within the European RACE `COUGAR' project programme R2122.},
      address = {Amsterdam},
      author = {Keyhl, M and Herre, Jürgen and Ferreira, Aníbal and Gilchrist, N. H. C.},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the IBC},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {151-158},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{The} {Effect} of {Low} {Bit}-{Rate} {Coding} {Upon} {Impaired} {Audio} {Material}},
      venue = {Amsterdam},
      year = {1995}
    17. Brandenburg, Karlheinz, Buchta, Rainer, Eberlein, Ernst, Friedrich, Robert, Grill, Bernhard, and Herre, Jürgen
      Eine neue Generation von ISO/MPEG-Audio Layer III Codern
      In Tonmeistertagung 1994: -, 1994.
      address = {Karlsruhe},
      author = {Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Buchta, Rainer and Eberlein, Ernst and Friedrich, Robert and Grill, Bernhard and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {Tonmeistertagung 1994},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {VDT},
      title = {{Eine} neue {Generation} von {ISO}/{MPEG}-{Audio} {Layer} {III} {Codern}},
      venue = {Karlsruhe},
      year = {1994}
    18. Eberlein, Ernst, Popp, Harald, Grill, Bernhard, and Herre, Jürgen
      Layer-III A Flexible Coding Standard
      In 94th AES Convention: -, 1993.
      address = {Berlin},
      author = {Eberlein, Ernst and Popp, Harald and Grill, Bernhard and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {94th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Layer}-{III} {A} {Flexible} {Coding} {Standard}},
      venue = {Berlin},
      volume = {Preprint 3493},
      year = {1993}
    19. Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Herre, Jürgen
      Digital Audio Compression for Professional Applications
      In 92nd AES Convention: -, 1992.
      address = {Vienna},
      author = {Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {92nd AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{Digital} {Audio} {Compression} for {Professional} {Applications}},
      venue = {Vienna},
      volume = {Preprint 3330},
      year = {1992}
    20. Seitzer, Dieter, Sporer, Thomas, Brandenburg, Karlheinz, Gerhäuser, Heinz, Grill, Bernhard, and Herre, Jürgen
      Digital Coding of High Quality Audio
      In IEEE 5th Annual European Computer Conference (COMPEURO 91): 148–154, 1991. DOI
      abstract = {Based on frequency-domain techniques, coding of high-quality audio with bit rates down to 64 kb/s is possible. This performance is achieved using perceptual coding. Transform coding can be used to get the best performance at very low bit rates. Real-time implementations of several types of low-bit-rate codecs have been developed. Standardization of low-bit-rate audio coding systems is under way in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG11 (MPEG/Audio},
      address = {Bologna},
      author = {Seitzer, Dieter and Sporer, Thomas and Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Gerhäuser, Heinz and Grill, Bernhard and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {IEEE 5th Annual European Computer Conference (COMPEURO 91)},
      doi = {10.1109/CMPEUR.1991.257373},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {0-8186-2141-9},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {148-154},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      title = {{Digital} {Coding} of {High} {Quality} {Audio}},
      venue = {Bologna},
      year = {1991}
    21. Brandenburg, Karlheinz, Herre, Jürgen, Johnston, J D, Mahieux, Y, and Schroeder, E F
      ASPEC: Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Coding of High Quality Music Signals
      In 90th AES Convention, 1991.
      abstract = {ASPEC is the joint proposal of AT&T Bell Laboratories, Thomson Consumer Electronics, Fraunhofer Society and CNET for the audio coding standard which is drafted by the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG11 audio experts group (MPEG-Audio). It combines high coding efficiency with the flexibility needed to work in different applications, from 64 kbps per channel with FM quality to 128 kbps for CD quality. The algorithm is suitable for uses such as ISDN audio transmission, fixed and writable storage applications, and Digital Audio Broadcasting.},
      address = {Paris},
      author = {Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Herre, Jürgen and Johnston, J D and Mahieux, Y and Schroeder, E F},
      booktitle = {90th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {90th AES Convention},
      title = {{ASPEC}: {Adaptive} {Spectral} {Perceptual} {Entropy} {Coding} of {High} {Quality} {Music} {Signals}},
      venue = {Paris},
      volume = {Preprint 3011},
      year = {1991}
    22. Herre, Jürgen, Eberlein, Ernst, and Brandenburg, Karlheinz
      A Real Time Perceptual Threshold Simulator
      In IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal processing to Audio and Acoustics: -, 1991.
      address = {New York},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Eberlein, Ernst and Brandenburg, Karlheinz},
      booktitle = {IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal processing to Audio and Acoustics},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perceptual{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      title = {{A} {Real} {Time} {Perceptual} {Threshold} {Simulator}},
      venue = {Mohonk, NY},
      year = {1991}

    Perceptual Signal Processing

    1. Dick, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen
      Investigation of the Impact of Spectral Cues from Torso Shadowing on Front-Back-Confusion and Perceived Differences along Cones of Confusion
      In 155th AES Convention, 2023.
      author = {Dick, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {155th AES Convention},
      date = {2023-10-25/2023-10-27},
      editor = {Audio Engineering Society (AES)},
      faupublication = {yes},
      keywords = {Best Paper Award},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perception{\_}and{\_}perception{\_}based{\_}signal{\_}processing},
      peerreviewed = {Yes},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society (AES)},
      title = {{Investigation} of the {Impact} of {Spectral} {Cues} from {Torso} {Shadowing} on {Front}-{Back}-{Confusion} and {Perceived} {Differences} along {Cones} of {Confusion}},
      venue = {New York, NY},
      volume = {Paper 10673},
      year = {2023}
    2. Dick, Sascha, Sweidan, Rami, and Herre, Jürgen
      Investigation of Masking Thresholds for Spatially Distributed Sound Sources
      In 147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019, 2019.
      abstract = {For perceptual audio coding of immersive content, the investigation of masking effects between spatially distributed sound sources is of interest. We conducted subjective listening experiments to determine the masking thresholds for ‘tone-masking-noise’ conditions when masker (1 kHz sine tone) and probe (1 kHz narrow band noise) are spatially distributed, using an immersive 22.2 loudspeaker setup. Our results show masking thresholds in the range of -35 dB to -26 dB probe-to-masker-ratio. As expected, least masking was found between left/right opposed sources with up to 5 dB lower than for coincident sources. Other noteworthy observations included an increase of masking for certain elevations and cases of selective masking decrease due to interaural phase difference phenomena.},
      author = {Dick, Sascha and Sweidan, Rami and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {147th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2019},
      date = {2019-10-16/2019-10-19},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perception{\_}and{\_}perception{\_}based{\_}signal{\_}processing},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
      title = {{Investigation} of {Masking} {Thresholds} for {Spatially} {Distributed} {Sound} {Sources}},
      venue = {New York, NY},
      volume = {Paper 10260},
      year = {2019}
    3. Dick, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen
      Comparison of Just Noticeable Differences in Localization of Virtual Sound Sources over Headphones and Loudspeakers
      In Proceedings of the AES International Conference, 2019.
      abstract = {In this paper, we investigate the just noticeable difference (JND) for the perception of horizontal and vertical angular separation between rendered virtual sound source objects for combinations of different stimuli. Listening test experiments were conducted on loudspeaker and binaural headphone reproduction, to assess differences between both playback scenarios, and how closely headphone tests can approximate JNDs for loudspeaker playback. Results show JNDs in the range of 1°– 3° for horizontal separation and in the range of 7°– 22° for vertical separation for both scenarios. Differences between loudspeaker and headphone playback were found to be significant, but small in comparison to the dependence on the signal content.},
      author = {Dick, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the AES International Conference},
      date = {2019-08-27/2019-08-29},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perception{\_}and{\_}perception{\_}based{\_}signal{\_}processing},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
      title = {{Comparison} of {Just} {Noticeable} {Differences} in {Localization} of {Virtual} {Sound} {Sources} over {Headphones} and {Loudspeakers}},
      venue = {San Francisco, CA},
      volume = {2019-August},
      year = {2019}
    4. Dick, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen
      Predicting the Precision of Elevation Localization Based on Head Related Transfer Functions
      In ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings: 326–330, 2019. DOI
      abstract = {While the human hearing capability for horizontally localized sound sources is mostly based on binaural cues, the localization of elevation along the »cones of confusion» can only rely on spectral cues provided by the directionality of head related transfer functions (HRTF). This paper explores how the magnitude of spectral differences between HRTF affects the availability of spectral cues to perceive and detect different elevations and hence limits localization accuracy. A method to predict localization accuracy is presented, based on analysis of the gradient of HRTF log-spectral differences for elevation positional changes. To this end, the localization accuracy is estimated from an HRTF database with 45 subjects. Validation of the results shows good agreement with results from subjective localization experiments reported in literature.},
      author = {Dick, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings},
      date = {2019-05-12/2019-05-17},
      doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8682313},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {9781479981311},
      keywords = {Auditory perception; elevation perception accuracy; head related transfer functions; just noticeable differences},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perception{\_}and{\_}perception{\_}based{\_}signal{\_}processing},
      pages = {326-330},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.},
      title = {{Predicting} the {Precision} of {Elevation} {Localization} {Based} on {Head} {Related} {Transfer} {Functions}},
      venue = {Brighton},
      volume = {2019-May},
      year = {2019}
    5. Paulus, Jouni, Uhle, Christian, Herre, Jürgen, and Hoepfel, Marc
      A study on the preferred level of late reverberation in speech and music
      In Proceedings of the 60th AES International Conference on Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music, and Speech, 2016.
      author = {Paulus, Jouni and Uhle, Christian and Herre, Jürgen and Hoepfel, Marc},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 60th AES International Conference on Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music, and Speech},
      faupublication = {yes},
      month = {Jan},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perception{\_}and{\_}perception{\_}based{\_}signal{\_}processing},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{A} study on the preferred level of late reverberation in speech and music},
      venue = {Leuven},
      year = {2016}
    6. Uhle, Christian, Paulus, Jouni, and Herre, Jürgen
      Predicting the perceived level of late reverberation using computational models of loudness
      In 17th DSP 2011 International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Proceedings, 2011. DOI
      abstract = {It is well known that the perceived level of reverberation depends on both the input audio signal and the impulse response. This work aims at quantifying this observation and predicting the perceived level of late reverberation based on separate signal paths of direct and reverberant signals, as they appear in digital audio effects. A basic approach to the problem is developed and subsequently extended by considering the impact of the reverberation time on the prediction result. This leads to a linear regression model with two input variables which is able to predict the perceived level with high accuracy, as shown on experimental data derived from listening tests. Variations of this model with different degrees of sophistication and computational complexity are compared regarding their accuracy. Applications include the control of digital audio effects for automatic mixing of audio signals. © 2011 IEEE.},
      author = {Uhle, Christian and Paulus, Jouni and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {17th DSP 2011 International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Proceedings},
      date = {2011-07-06/2011-07-08},
      doi = {10.1109/ICDSP.2011.6004990},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {9781457702747},
      keywords = {Artificial Reverberation; Auditory Perception; Intelligent Digital Audio Effects},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}perception{\_}and{\_}perception{\_}based{\_}signal{\_}processing},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Predicting} the perceived level of late reverberation using computational models of loudness},
      venue = {Corfu},
      year = {2011}

    Spatial Audio Coding and 3D Audio Coding

    1. Paulus, Jan, Herre, Jürgen, Murtaza, Adrian, Terentiv, Leon, Fuchs, Harald, Disch, Sascha, and Ridderbusch, Falko
      MPEG-D Spatial Audio Object Coding for Dialogue Enhancement (SAOC-DE)
      In 138th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2015: 10–20, 2015.
      abstract = {The topic of Dialogue Enhancement and personalization of audio has recently received more and more attention. Both hearing-impaired and normal-hearing audience benefit, for example, from the possibility of boosting the commentator speech to minimize listening effort, or to attenuate it in favor of sports stadium atmosphere in order to enhance the feeling of being there. In late 2014, the ISO/MPEG standardization group has made available a new specification, Spatial Audio Object Coding for Dialogue Enhancement (SAOC-DE), which was closely derived from the well-known MPEG-D Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC). This paper describes the architecture and features of the new system. The envisioned applications will be discussed and the performance of the new technology is demonstrated in subjective listening tests.},
      author = {Paulus, Jan and Herre, Jürgen and Murtaza, Adrian and Terentiv, Leon and Fuchs, Harald and Disch, Sascha and Ridderbusch, Falko},
      booktitle = {138th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2015},
      date = {2015-05-07/2015-05-10},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {9781510806597},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {10-20},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
      title = {{MPEG}-{D} {Spatial} {Audio} {Object} {Coding} for {Dialogue} {Enhancement} ({SAOC}-{DE})},
      venue = {Warsaw},
      volume = {Paper 9219},
      year = {2015}
    2. Murtaza, Adrian, Herre, Jürgen, Paulus, Jan, Terentiv, Leon, Fuchs, Harald, and Disch, Sascha
      ISO/MPEG-H 3D Audio: SAOC-3D Decoding and Rendering
      In 139th Audio Engineering Society International Convention, AES 2015, 2015.
      abstract = {The ISO/MPEG standardization group recently finalized the MPEG-H 3D Audio standard for the universal carriage of encoded 3D-sound from channel-based, object-based and HOA-based input. To achieve efficient low-bitrate coding of a high number of channels and objects, an advanced version of the well-known MPEG-D Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) has been developed under the name SAOC-3D. The new SAOC-3D system supports direct reproduction to any output format from 22.2 and beyond down to 5.1 and stereo. This paper describes the SAOC-3D technology as it is part of the MPEG-H 3D Audio (phase one) International Standard and provides an overview of its features, capabilities and performance.},
      author = {Murtaza, Adrian and Herre, Jürgen and Paulus, Jan and Terentiv, Leon and Fuchs, Harald and Disch, Sascha},
      booktitle = {139th Audio Engineering Society International Convention, AES 2015},
      date = {2015-10-29/2015-11-01},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
      title = {{ISO}/{MPEG}-{H} {3D} {Audio}: {SAOC}-{3D} {Decoding} and {Rendering}},
      venue = {New York, NY, USA},
      volume = {Paper 9434},
      year = {2015}
    3. Adami, Alexander and Herre, Jürgen
      Evaluation of a Frequency-Domain Source Position Estimator for VBAP-Panned Recordings
      In 138th Audio Engineering Society Convention, AES 2015: 224–230, 2015.
      abstract = {A frequency-domain source position estimator is presented which extracts the position of a VBAP-panned directional source by means of a direct-ambience signal decomposition. The directional signal components are used to derive an estimate of the panning gains which can be used to derive the estimated source position. We evaluated the mean estimated source positions as a function of the ideal source position as well as of different ambience energy levels using simulations. Additionally, we analyzed the influence of a second directional source to the estimated source positions.},
      author = {Adami, Alexander and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {138th Audio Engineering Society Convention, AES 2015},
      date = {2015-05-07/2015-05-10},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {9781510806597},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {224-230},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
      title = {{Evaluation} of a {Frequency}-{Domain} {Source} {Position} {Estimator} for {VBAP}-{Panned} {Recordings}},
      url = {},
      venue = {Warsaw},
      volume = {Paper 9245},
      year = {2015}
    4. Herre, Jürgen, Hilpert, Johannes, Kuntz, Achim, and Plogsties, Jan
      MPEG-H Audio - The Upcoming Standard for Universal Spatial / 3D Audio Coding
      In International Conference on Spatial Audio (ICSA), 2014.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Hilpert, Johannes and Kuntz, Achim and Plogsties, Jan},
      booktitle = {International Conference on Spatial Audio (ICSA)},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG}-{H} {Audio} - {The} {Upcoming} {Standard} for {Universal} {Spatial} / {3D} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Erlangen, Germany},
      year = {2014}
    5. Adami, Alexander, Habets, Emanuël, and Herre, Jürgen
      Perceptual Evaluation of a Coherence Suppressing Down-Mix Method
      In Proceedings of the 55th AES Conference on Spatial Audio: 1–6, 2014.
      address = {Helsinki, Finland},
      author = {Adami, Alexander and Habets, Emanuël and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 55th AES Conference on Spatial Audio},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {9780937803981},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {1-6},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
      title = {{Perceptual} {Evaluation} of a {Coherence} {Suppressing} {Down}-{Mix} {Method}},
      url = {∨igin=inward},
      venue = {Helsinki},
      year = {2014}
    6. Adami, Alexander, Habets, Emanuël, and Herre, Jürgen
      Down-Mixing Using Coherence Suppression
      In Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP): 2878–2882, 2014. DOI
      address = {Florence, Italy},
      author = {Adami, Alexander and Habets, Emanuël and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},
      doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854126},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {9781479928927},
      keywords = {Spatial Audio; Down-Mixing},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {2878-2882},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      title = {{Down}-{Mixing} {Using} {Coherence} {Suppression}},
      venue = {Florence},
      year = {2014}
    7. Herre, Jürgen, Hilpert, Johannes, Kuntz, Achim, and Plogsties, Jan
      MPEG-H Audio - The New Standard for Universal Spatial / 3D Audio Coding
      In 137th AES Convention, 2014.
      abstract = {Recently, a new generation of spatial audio formats were introduced that include elevated loudspeakers and surpass traditional surround sound formats, such as 5.1, in terms of spatial realism. To facilitate high-quality bitrate-efficient distribution and flexible reproduction of 3D sound, the MPEG standardization group recently started the MPEG-H Audio Coding development for the universal carriage of encoded 3D sound from channel-based, object-based, and HOA-based input. High quality reproduction is supported for many output formats from 22.2 and beyond down to 5.1, stereo, and binaural reproduction—independently of the original encoding format, thus overcoming incompatibility between various 3D formats. The paper describes the current status of the standardization project and provides an overview of the system architecture, its capabilities, and performanc},
      address = {New York, NY},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Hilpert, Johannes and Kuntz, Achim and Plogsties, Jan},
      booktitle = {137th AES Convention},
      date = {2014-10-09/2014-10-12},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {Yes},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society, Inc.},
      title = {{MPEG}-{H} {Audio} - {The} {New} {Standard} for {Universal} {Spatial} / {3D} {Audio} {Coding}},
      url = {},
      venue = {Los Angeles, CA},
      volume = {Paper 9095},
      year = {2014}
    8. Schöffler, Michael, Adami, Alexander, and Herre, Jürgen
      The Influence of Up- and Down-mixes on the Overall Listening Experience
      In In Proceedings of the 137th AES Convention, 2014.
      address = {Los Angeles},
      author = {Schöffler, Michael and Adami, Alexander and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {In Proceedings of the 137th AES Convention},
      date = {2014-10-09/2014-10-12},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{The} {Influence} of {Up}- and {Down}-mixes on the {Overall} {Listening} {Experience}},
      url = {},
      venue = {Los Angeles},
      volume = {Paper 9140},
      year = {2014}
    9. Tournery, Christophe, Faller, Christof, Küch, Fabian, and Herre, Jürgen
      Converting Stereo Microphone Signals Directly to MPEG-Surround
      In 128th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2010: 578–588, 2010.
      abstract = {We have previously proposed a way to use stereo microphones with spatial audio coding to record and code surround sound. In this paper we are describing further considerations and improvements needed to convert stereo microphone signals directly to MPEG Surround, i.e. downmix signal plus bitstream. It is described in detail how to obtain from the microphone channels the information needed for computing MPEG Surround spatial parameters and how to process the microphone signals to transform them to an MPEG Surround compatible downmix.},
      address = {New York, NY},
      author = {Tournery, Christophe and Faller, Christof and Küch, Fabian and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {128th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2010},
      date = {2010-05-22/2010-05-25},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {9781617387739},
      note = {Vorträge und Veröffentlichungen auf Konferenzen{\_}Mehrkanalige Codierung von Audiosignalen},
      pages = {578-588},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {Audio Engineering Society},
      title = {{Converting} {Stereo} {Microphone} {Signals} {Directly} to {MPEG}-{Surround}},
      venue = {London},
      volume = {1},
      year = {2010}
    10. Herre, Jürgen, Falch, Cornelia, Mahne, Dirk, Del Galdo, Giovanni, Kallinger, Markus, and Thiergart, Oliver
      Interactive Teleconferencing Combining Spatial Audio Object Coding and DirAC Technology
      In 128nd AES Convention: 1579–1590, 2010.
      abstract = {The importance of telecommunication continues to grow in our everyday lives. An ambitious goal for developers is to provide a most natural way of audio communication by giving users the impression of being located next to each other. MPEG Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC) is a technology for coding, transmitting, and interactively reproducing spatial sound scenes on any conventional multi-loudspeaker setup (e.g. ITU 5.1). This paper describes how Directional Audio Coding (DirAC) can be used as a recording front-end for SAOC based teleconference systems to capture acoustic scenes and to extract the individual objects (talkers). By introducing a novel DirAC to SAOC parameter transcoder, a highly efficient way of combining both technologies is presented which enables interactive, object-based spatial teleconferencing.},
      address = {London},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Falch, Cornelia and Mahne, Dirk and Del Galdo, Giovanni and Kallinger, Markus and Thiergart, Oliver},
      booktitle = {128nd AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {9781617387739},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {1579-1590},
      publisher = {128nd AES Convention},
      title = {{Interactive} {Teleconferencing} {Combining} {Spatial} {Audio} {Object} {Coding} and {DirAC} {Technology}},
      venue = {London},
      volume = {3},
      year = {2010}
    11. Hellmuth, Oliver, Purnhagen, Heiko, Koppens, Jeroen, Herre, Jürgen, Engdegård, Jonas, Hilpert, Joe, Villemoes, Lars F., Terentiev, Leonid, Falch, Cornelia, Hölzer, Andreas, Luis Valero, Maria, Resch, Barbara, Mundt, Harald, and Hyen-O, O
      MPEG Spatial Audio Object Coding – The ISO/MPEG Standard for Efficient Coding of Interactive Audio Scenes
      In 129th Audio Engineering Society Convention: 557–575, 2010.
      abstract = {In 2007, the ISO/MPEG Audio standardization group started a new work item on efficient coding of sound scenes comprising several audio objects by parametric coding techniques. Finalized in the summer of 2010, the resulting MPEG 'Spatial Audio Object Coding' (SAOC) specification allows the representation of such scenes at bit rates commonly used for coding of mono or stereo sound. At the decoder side, each object can be interactively rendered, supporting applications like user-controlled music remixing and spatial teleconferencing. This paper summarizes the results of the standardization process, provides an overview of MPEG SAOC technology and illustrates its performance by means of the results of the recent verification tests. The test includes operation modes for several typical application scenarios that take advantage of object-based processing.},
      author = {Hellmuth, Oliver and Purnhagen, Heiko and Koppens, Jeroen and Herre, Jürgen and Engdegård, Jonas and Hilpert, Joe and Villemoes, Lars F. and Terentiev, Leonid and Falch, Cornelia and Hölzer, Andreas and Luis Valero, Maria and Resch, Barbara and Mundt, Harald and Hyen-O, O},
      booktitle = {129th Audio Engineering Society Convention},
      date = {2010-11-04/2010-11-07},
      faupublication = {no},
      isbn = {978-1-617-82194-3},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {557-575},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG} {Spatial} {Audio} {Object} {Coding} – {The} {ISO}/{MPEG} {Standard} for {Efficient} {Coding} of {Interactive} {Audio} {Scenes}},
      url = {},
      venue = {San Francisco, California, USA},
      volume = {Preprint 8264},
      year = {2010}
    12. Terentiev, Leonid, Falch, Cornelia, Hellmuth, Oliver, and Herre, Jürgen
      Efficient Parametric Audio Coding for Interactive Rendering: The Upcoming ISO/MPEG Standard on Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC)
      In DAGA: -, 2009.
      address = {Rotterdam},
      author = {Terentiev, Leonid and Falch, Cornelia and Hellmuth, Oliver and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {DAGA},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {DAGA},
      title = {{Efficient} {Parametric} {Audio} {Coding} for {Interactive} {Rendering}: {The} {Upcoming} {ISO}/{MPEG} {Standard} on {Spatial} {Audio} {Object} {Coding} ({SAOC})},
      venue = {Rotterdam},
      year = {2009}
    13. Herre, Jürgen, Buchner, Herbert, and Kellermann, Walter
      Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Surround Sound Using Perceptually Motivated Convergence Enhancement
      In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '07, 2007. DOI
      abstract = {Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) has become an essential and wellknown enabling technology for hands-free communication and human-machine interfaces. AEC for two or more reproduction channels aims at identifying the echo paths between the microphone and each audio reproduction source in order to cancel the associated echo contribution. A number of preprocessing methods have been proposed to decorrelate stereo audio signals in order to enable an unambiguous identification of each echo path and to thus ensure robustness to changing sound source locations. While several of these methods provide enough decorrelation to achieve proper AEC convergence in the stereo case, considerations of subjective sound quality have frequently not been addressed adequately. This paper compares the performance of several methods in terms of both convergence speed and aspects of sound perception, and proposes a novel signal decorrelation approach with attractive properties. The superior performance of the proposed method is demonstrated for 5.1 surround sound reproduction. © 2007 IEE},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Buchner, Herbert and Kellermann, Walter},
      booktitle = {2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP '07},
      date = {2007-04-15/2007-04-20},
      doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2007.366605},
      faupublication = {yes},
      isbn = {1-4244-0727-3},
      keywords = {Acoustic Echo Cancellation; AEC; Multi-channel sound; Perception; Phase modulation; Psychoacoustics; Surround sound},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {Yes},
      title = {{Acoustic} {Echo} {Cancellation} for {Surround} {Sound} {Using} {Perceptually} {Motivated} {Convergence} {Enhancement}},
      venue = {Honolulu, HI},
      volume = {1},
      year = {2007}
    14. Herre, Jürgen, Kjörling, Kristofer, Breebaart, Jeroen, Faller, Christof, Disch, Sascha, Purnhagen, Heiko, Koppens, Jeroen, Hilpert, Johannes, Röden, Jonas, Oomen, Werner, Linzmeier, Karsten, and Kok Seng, Chong
      MPEG Surround - The ISO/MPEG Standard for Efficient and Compatible Multichannel Audio Coding
      In 122nd AES Convention: -, 2007.
      address = {Vienna},
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Kjörling, Kristofer and Breebaart, Jeroen and Faller, Christof and Disch, Sascha and Purnhagen, Heiko and Koppens, Jeroen and Hilpert, Johannes and Röden, Jonas and Oomen, Werner and Linzmeier, Karsten and Kok Seng, Chong},
      booktitle = {122nd AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      pages = {-},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      publisher = {AES},
      title = {{MPEG} {Surround} - {The} {ISO}/{MPEG} {Standard} for {Efficient} and {Compatible} {Multichannel} {Audio} {Coding}},
      url = {},
      venue = {Vienna},
      volume = {Preprint 7084},
      year = {2007}
    15. Grill, Bernhard, Hellmuth, Oliver, Hilpert, Joe, Herre, Jürgen, and Plogsties, Jan
      Closing the Gap between the Multichannel and the Stereo Audio World: Recent MP3 Surround Extensions
      In 120th AES Convention, 2006.
      author = {Grill, Bernhard and Hellmuth, Oliver and Hilpert, Joe and Herre, Jürgen and Plogsties, Jan},
      booktitle = {120th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Closing} the {Gap} between the {Multichannel} and the {Stereo} {Audio} {World}: {Recent} {MP3} {Surround} {Extensions}},
      venue = {Paris},
      volume = {Preprint 6754},
      year = {2006}
    16. Villemoes, Lars F., Herre, Jürgen, Breebaart, Jeroen, Hotho, Gerhard, Disch, Sascha, Purnhagen, Heiko, and Kjörling, Kristofer
      MPEG Surround: The Forthcoming ISO Standard For Spatial Audio Coding
      In 28th AES International Conference, 2006.
      author = {Villemoes, Lars F. and Herre, Jürgen and Breebaart, Jeroen and Hotho, Gerhard and Disch, Sascha and Purnhagen, Heiko and Kjörling, Kristofer},
      booktitle = {28th AES International Conference},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG} {Surround}: {The} {Forthcoming} {ISO} {Standard} {For} {Spatial} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Pitea},
      year = {2006}
    17. Breebaart, Jeroen, Herre, Jürgen, Villemoes, Lars F., Jin, Craig, Kjörling, Kristofer, Plogsties, Jan, and Koppens, Jeroen
      Multi-Channel Goes Mobile: MPEG Surround Binaural Rendering
      In 29th AES International Conference, 2006.
      author = {Breebaart, Jeroen and Herre, Jürgen and Villemoes, Lars F. and Jin, Craig and Kjörling, Kristofer and Plogsties, Jan and Koppens, Jeroen},
      booktitle = {29th AES International Conference},
      date = {2006-09-02/2006-09-04},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Multi}-{Channel} {Goes} {Mobile}: {MPEG} {Surround} {Binaural} {Rendering}},
      venue = {Seoul},
      year = {2006}
    18. Herre, Jürgen, Purnhagen, Heiko, Breebaart, Jeroen, Faller, Christof, Disch, Sascha, Kjörling, Kristofer, Schuijers, E, Hilpert, Johannes, and Myburg, F
      The Reference Model Architecture for MPEG Spatial Audio Coding
      In Proceedings of the 118th AES Convention, 2005.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Purnhagen, Heiko and Breebaart, Jeroen and Faller, Christof and Disch, Sascha and Kjörling, Kristofer and Schuijers, E and Hilpert, Johannes and Myburg, F},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 118th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{The} {Reference} {Model} {Architecture} for {MPEG} {Spatial} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Barcelona},
      volume = {Preprint 6477},
      year = {2005}
    19. Herre, Jürgen, Purnhagen, Heiko, Breebaart, Jeroen, Faller, Christof, Disch, Sascha, Kjörling, Kristofer, Schuijers, E, Hilpert, Johannes, and Myburg, F
      The Refence Model Architecture for MPEG Spatial Audio Coding
      In 118th AES Convention, 2005.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Purnhagen, Heiko and Breebaart, Jeroen and Faller, Christof and Disch, Sascha and Kjörling, Kristofer and Schuijers, E and Hilpert, Johannes and Myburg, F},
      booktitle = {118th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {Vorträge und Veröffentlichungen auf Konferenzen{\_}mehrkanalige Codierung von Audiosignalen},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{The} {Refence} {Model} {Architecture} for {MPEG} {Spatial} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Barcelona},
      volume = {Preprint 6477},
      year = {2005}
    20. Korte, Olaf and Herre, Jürgen
      MPEG Spatial Audio Coding: Opportunities for Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting & Storage
      In International Broadcasting Convention IBC, 2005.
      author = {Korte, Olaf and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {International Broadcasting Convention IBC},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG} {Spatial} {Audio} {Coding}: {Opportunities} for {Multi}-{Channel} {Audio} {Broadcasting} & {Storage}},
      venue = {Amsterdam},
      year = {2005}
    21. Breebaart, Jeroen, Herre, Jürgen, Faller, Christof, Röden, Jonas, Myburg, F, Disch, Sascha, Purnhagen, Heiko, Hotho, Gerhard, Neusinger, Matthias, Kjörling, Kristofer, and Oomen, Werner
      MPEG Spatial Audio Coding / MPEG Surround: Overview and Current Status
      In 119th AES Convention, 2005.
      author = {Breebaart, Jeroen and Herre, Jürgen and Faller, Christof and Röden, Jonas and Myburg, F and Disch, Sascha and Purnhagen, Heiko and Hotho, Gerhard and Neusinger, Matthias and Kjörling, Kristofer and Oomen, Werner},
      booktitle = {119th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG} {Spatial} {Audio} {Coding} / {MPEG} {Surround}: {Overview} and {Current} {Status}},
      venue = {New York},
      volume = {Preprint 6599},
      year = {2005}
    22. Korte, Olaf, Herre, Jürgen, and Heuberger, Albert
      Bitrate-Efficient and Compatible Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting Using MPEG Surround Technology
      In IEEE 55th International Broadcast Symposium, 2005.
      author = {Korte, Olaf and Herre, Jürgen and Heuberger, Albert},
      booktitle = {IEEE 55th International Broadcast Symposium},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Bitrate}-{Efficient} and {Compatible} {Multi}-{Channel} {Audio} {Broadcasting} {Using} {MPEG} {Surround} {Technology}},
      venue = {Washington D.C.},
      year = {2005}
    23. Herre, Jürgen, Kroon, P, Faller, Christof, and Geyersberger, Stefan
      Spatial Audio Coding - An Enabling Technology For Bitrate-Efficient And Compatible Multi-Channel Audio Broadcasting
      In International Broadcasting Convention (IBC 2004), 2004.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Kroon, P and Faller, Christof and Geyersberger, Stefan},
      booktitle = {International Broadcasting Convention (IBC 2004)},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Spatial} {Audio} {Coding} - {An} {Enabling} {Technology} {For} {Bitrate}-{Efficient} {And} {Compatible} {Multi}-{Channel} {Audio} {Broadcasting}},
      venue = {Amsterdam},
      year = {2004}
    24. Herre, Jürgen, Faller, Christof, Ertel, Christian, Hilpert, Joe, Hölzer, Andreas, and Spenger, C
      MP3 Surround: Efficient and Compatible Coding of Multi-Channel Audio
      In 116th AES Convention, 2004.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Faller, Christof and Ertel, Christian and Hilpert, Joe and Hölzer, Andreas and Spenger, C},
      booktitle = {116th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MP3} {Surround}: {Efficient} and {Compatible} {Coding} of {Multi}-{Channel} {Audio}},
      venue = {Berlin},
      volume = {Preprint 6049},
      year = {2004}
    25. Herre, Jürgen, Faller, Christof, Disch, Sascha, Ertel, Christian, Hilpert, Joe, Hölzer, Andreas, Linzmeier, Karsten, Spenger, C, and Kroon, P
      Spatial Audio Coding: Next-Generation Efficient and Compatible Coding of Multi-Channel Audio
      In 117th AES Convention, 2004.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Faller, Christof and Disch, Sascha and Ertel, Christian and Hilpert, Joe and Hölzer, Andreas and Linzmeier, Karsten and Spenger, C and Kroon, P},
      booktitle = {117th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Spatial} {Audio} {Coding}: {Next}-{Generation} {Efficient} and {Compatible} {Coding} of {Multi}-{Channel} {Audio}},
      venue = {San Francisco},
      volume = {Preprint 6186},
      year = {2004}
    26. Johnston, J D, Herre, Jürgen, Davis, Mark, and Gbur, U
      MPEG-2 NBC Audio - Stereo and Multichannel Coding Methods
      In 101st AES Convention, 1996.
      author = {Johnston, J D and Herre, Jürgen and Davis, Mark and Gbur, U},
      booktitle = {101st AES Convention},
      date = {1996-11-08/1996-11-11},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG}-2 {NBC} {Audio} - {Stereo} and {Multichannel} {Coding} {Methods}},
      venue = {Los Angeles},
      volume = {Preprint 4383},
      year = {1996}
    27. Herre, Jürgen, Brandenburg, Karlheinz, and Lederer, D
      Intensity Stereo Coding
      In 96th AES Convention, 1994.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Lederer, D},
      booktitle = {96th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Intensity} {Stereo} {Coding}},
      venue = {Amsterdam},
      volume = {Preprint 3799},
      year = {1994}
    28. Grill, Bernhard, Herre, Jürgen, and Brandenburg, Karlheinz
      Improved MPEG-2 Audio Multi-Channel Encoding
      In 96th AES Convention, 1994.
      author = {Grill, Bernhard and Herre, Jürgen and Brandenburg, Karlheinz},
      booktitle = {96th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Improved} {MPEG}-2 {Audio} {Multi}-{Channel} {Encoding}},
      venue = {Amsterdam},
      volume = {Preprint 3865},
      year = {1994}
    29. Herre, Jürgen, Brandenburg, Karlheinz, and Eberlein, Ernst
      Combined Stereo Coding
      In 93rd AES Convention, 1992.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Eberlein, Ernst},
      booktitle = {93rd AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}spatial{\_}audio{\_}coding{\_}and{\_}3d{\_}audio{\_}coding},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Combined} {Stereo} {Coding}},
      venue = {San Francisco},
      volume = {Preprint 3369},
      year = {1992}

    DSP Real-Time Programming

    1. Eberlein, Ernst, Herre, Jürgen, and Grill, Bernhard
      Options for DSP Code Generation
      In Proceedings of the AES UK DSP Conference: 97–103, 1992.
      author = {Eberlein, Ernst and Herre, Jürgen and Grill, Bernhard},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the AES UK DSP Conference},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}dsp{\_}real{\_}time{\_}programming},
      pages = {97-103},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Options} for {DSP} {Code} {Generation}},
      venue = {London},
      year = {1992}

    Audio Watermarking

    1. Disch, Sascha, Herre, Jürgen, and Kammerl, Julius
      Audio Watermarking Using Subband Modulation Spectra
      In IEEE ICASSP, 2007. DOI
      author = {Disch, Sascha and Herre, Jürgen and Kammerl, Julius},
      booktitle = {IEEE ICASSP},
      doi = {10.1109/ICASSP.2007.366662},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}audio{\_}watermarking},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Audio} {Watermarking} {Using} {Subband} {Modulation} {Spectra}},
      venue = {Honolulu 2007},
      year = {2007}
    2. Siebenhaar, Frank, Neubauer, Christian, Bäuml, Robert, and Herre, Jürgen
      New High Data Rate Audio Watermarking Based on SCS (Scaler Costa Scheme)
      In 113th AES Convention, 2002.
      abstract = {Nowadays, distribution of audio material is not limited to physical media anymore. Instead, distribution via Internet is of increasing importance. In order to attach additional information to the audio content, either for forensic or digital rights management purposes or for annotation purposes, watermarking is a promising technique since it is independent of the audio format and transmission technology. State-of-the-art spread spectrum watermarking systems can offer high robustness against unintentional and intentional signal modifications. However, their data rate is typically comparatively low, often below 100 bit/s. This paper describes the adaptation of a new watermarking scheme called Scalar Costa Scheme (SCS), which is based on dithered quantization of audio signals. In order to fulfill the demands of high quality audio signal processing, modifications of the basic SCS scheme, such as the introduction of a psychoacoustic model and new algorithms to determine quantization intervals are required. Simulation figures and results of a sample implementation, which show the potential of this new watermarking scheme, are presented in this paper along with a short theoretical introduction to the SCS watermarking scheme.
    3. Siebenhaar, Frank, Neubauer, Christian, and Herre, Jürgen
      Combined Compression/Watermarking for Audio Signals
      In 110th AES Convention, 2001.
      author = {Siebenhaar, Frank and Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {110th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}audio{\_}watermarking},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Combined} {Compression}/{Watermarking} for {Audio} {Signals}},
      venue = {Amsterdam},
      volume = {Preprint 5344},
      year = {2001}
    4. Neubauer, Christian, Kulessa, Ralph, and Herre, Jürgen
      A Compatible Family of Bitstream Watermarking Schemes for MPEG-Audio
      In 110th AES Convention, 2001.
      abstract = {Audio watermarking enables the robust and imperceptible transmission of data within audio signals. Among the many possible applications of this technique, a number of scenarios require direct embedding of watermarks into a compressed signal representation. Such bitstream watermarking systems enable e.g. on-the-fly embedding of transaction specific data at the time of content delivery via the Internet. This paper extends previous work on bitstream watermarking for MPEG-2/4 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) towards a compatible family of watermarking schemes for MPEG-1/2 Layer-3 (MP3), MPEG-2/4 AAC and uncompressed audio. Regardless of the format used during data embedding, the same watermark extractor can be employed to recover the embedded message. Both the underlying concepts and relevant experimental results for these schemes are described.
    5. Siebenhaar, Frank, Neubauer, Christian, Herre, Jürgen, and Kulessa, Ralph
      New Results on Combined Audio Compression/Watermarking
      In 111th AES Convention, 2001.
      abstract = {Today, music distribution over the Internet is an increasingly important business. In this context, watermarking can provide beneficial means to transmit rights information within the content. To convey the origin of such content, the combination of simultaneous low bit rate encoding and watermark embedding is a promising novel technique. This paper describes the basic concept of combined compression/watermarking for audio signals. In contrast to separate steps of encoding and watermarking the combined approach enables an optimal coordination between the quantization strategy in the audio encoder and the watermark embedding process. This allows to adjust the system to specific needs in terms of audio quality and watermark robustness. Experimental results obtained from an extended MPEG-2/4 AAC encoder and a first implementation of an extended MPEG-1/2 Layer-3 encoder confirm the potential of the concept.
    6. Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen
      Audio Watermarking of MPEG-2 AAC Bit Streams
      In 108th AES Convention, 2000.
      author = {Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {108th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}audio{\_}watermarking},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Audio} {Watermarking} of {MPEG}-2 {AAC} {Bit} {Streams}},
      venue = {Paris},
      volume = {Preprint 5101},
      year = {2000}
    7. Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen
      Advanced Watermarking and its Applications
      In 109th AES Convention, 2000.
      author = {Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {109th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}audio{\_}watermarking},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Advanced} {Watermarking} and its {Applications}},
      venue = {Los Angeles},
      volume = {Preprint 5176},
      year = {2000}
    8. Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen
      Audiowasserzeichen und ihre Anwendungen
      In Tonmeistertagung, 2000.
      author = {Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {Tonmeistertagung},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}audio{\_}watermarking},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Audiowasserzeichen} und ihre {Anwendungen}},
      venue = {Hannover},
      year = {2000}
    9. Neubauer, Christian, Herre, Jürgen, and Brandenburg, Karlheinz
      Continuous Steganographic Data Transmission Using Uncompressed Audio
      In Proceedings of the Second International Information Hiding Workshop, 1998.
      author = {Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen and Brandenburg, Karlheinz},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Information Hiding Workshop},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}audio{\_}watermarking},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Continuous} {Steganographic} {Data} {Transmission} {Using} {Uncompressed} {Audio}},
      venue = {Portland, Oregon},
      year = {1998}
    10. Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen
      Digital Watermarking and Its Influence on Audio Quality
      In 105th AES Convention, 1998.
      author = {Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {105th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}audio{\_}watermarking},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Digital} {Watermarking} and {Its} {Influence} on {Audio} {Quality}},
      venue = {San Francisco},
      volume = {Preprint 4823},
      year = {1998}
    11. Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen
      Auswirkungen digitaler Wasserzeichen auf die Audioqualität
      In Tonmeistertagung, 1998.
      author = {Neubauer, Christian and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {Tonmeistertagung},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}audio{\_}watermarking},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Auswirkungen} digitaler {Wasserzeichen} auf die {Audioqualität}},
      venue = {Karlsruhe},
      year = {1998}


    1. Schnell, Markus, Geiger, Ralf, Schmidt, Markus, Multrus, Markus, Mellar, Michael, Herre, Jürgen, and Schuller, Gerald
      Low Delay Filterbanks For Enhanced Low Delay Audio Coding
      In IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2007.
      author = {Schnell, Markus and Geiger, Ralf and Schmidt, Markus and Multrus, Markus and Mellar, Michael and Herre, Jürgen and Schuller, Gerald},
      booktitle = {IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}filterbanks},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Low} {Delay} {Filterbanks} {For} {Enhanced} {Low} {Delay} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Mohonk, New York},
      year = {2007}
    2. Geiger, Ralf, Yokotani, Yoshikazu, Schuller, Gerald, and Herre, Jürgen
      Improved Integer Transforms Using Multi-Dimensional Lifting
      In IEEE ICASSP, 2004.
      author = {Geiger, Ralf and Yokotani, Yoshikazu and Schuller, Gerald and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {IEEE ICASSP},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}filterbanks},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Improved} {Integer} {Transforms} {Using} {Multi}-{Dimensional} {Lifting}},
      venue = {Montreal},
      year = {2004}
    3. Herre, Jürgen and Johnston, J D
      A Continuously Signal-Adaptive Filterbank for High-Quality Perceptual Audio Coding
      In IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 1997.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Johnston, J D},
      booktitle = {IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}filterbanks},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{A} {Continuously} {Signal}-{Adaptive} {Filterbank} for {High}-{Quality} {Perceptual} {Audio} {Coding}},
      venue = {Mohonk, NY},
      year = {1997}

    Error Concealment

    1. Herre, Jürgen and Eberlein, Ernst
      Evaluation of Concealment Techniques for Compressed Digital Audio
      In 94th AES Convention, 1993.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Eberlein, Ernst},
      booktitle = {94th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}error{\_}concealment},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Evaluation} of {Concealment} {Techniques} for {Compressed} {Digital} {Audio}},
      venue = {Berlin},
      volume = {Preprint 3460},
      year = {1993}
    2. Herre, Jürgen and Eberlein, Ernst
      Error Concealment in the Spectral Domain
      In 93rd AES Convention, 1992.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Eberlein, Ernst},
      booktitle = {93rd AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}error{\_}concealment},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Error} {Concealment} in the {Spectral} {Domain}},
      venue = {San Fransisco},
      volume = {Preprint 3364},
      year = {1992}

    Secure Delivery of Multimedia Data

    1. Spenger, Gabriele, Rump, Niels, Herre, Jürgen, and Brandenburg, Karlheinz
      MPEG-21: A Multimedia Framework for E-commerce - what does it bring to Audio?
      In 46. Internationales Ilmenauer Kolloquium, 2001.
      author = {Spenger, Gabriele and Rump, Niels and Herre, Jürgen and Brandenburg, Karlheinz},
      booktitle = {46. Internationales Ilmenauer Kolloquium},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}secure{\_}distribution{\_}of{\_}multimedia{\_}data},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG}-21: {A} {Multimedia} {Framework} for {E}-commerce - what does it bring to {Audio}?},
      venue = {Ilmenau},
      year = {2001}
    2. Spenger, Gabriele, Rump, Niels, and Herre, Jürgen
      MPEG-21 - What does it bring to Audio?
      In 111th AES Convention, 2001.
      author = {Spenger, Gabriele and Rump, Niels and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {111th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}secure{\_}delivery{\_}of{\_}multimedia{\_}data},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG}-21 - {What} does it bring to {Audio}?},
      venue = {New York},
      volume = {Preprint 5462},
      year = {2001}
    3. Allamanche, Eric and Herre, Jürgen
      Secure Delivery of Compressed Audio by Compatible Bitstream Scrambling
      In 108th AES Convention, 2000.
      author = {Allamanche, Eric and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {108th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}secure{\_}distribution{\_}of{\_}multimedia{\_}data},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Secure} {Delivery} of {Compressed} {Audio} by {Compatible} {Bitstream} {Scrambling}},
      venue = {Paris},
      volume = {Preprint 5100},
      year = {2000}
    4. Rump, Niels, Herre, Jürgen, Brandenburg, Karlheinz, and Koller, Jürgen
      Legal Distribution of Music through the Internet
      In 106th AES Convention, 1999.
      author = {Rump, Niels and Herre, Jürgen and Brandenburg, Karlheinz and Koller, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {106th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}secure{\_}distribution{\_}of{\_}multimedia{\_}data},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Legal} {Distribution} of {Music} through the {Internet}},
      venue = {Munich},
      volume = {Preprint 4988},
      year = {1999}
    5. Herre, Jürgen and Allamanche, Eric
      Compatible Scrambling of Compressed Audio
      In IEEE ASPAA Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 1999.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Allamanche, Eric},
      booktitle = {IEEE ASPAA Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}secure{\_}distribution{\_}of{\_}multimedia{\_}data},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Compatible} {Scrambling} of {Compressed} {Audio}},
      venue = {Mohonk, New York},
      year = {1999}

    Content-based Techniques

    1. Uhle, Christian, Walther, Andreas, Hellmuth, Oliver, and Herre, Jürgen
      Ambience Separation from Mono Recordings using Non-negative Matrix Factorization
      In AES 30th International Conference, 2007.
      author = {Uhle, Christian and Walther, Andreas and Hellmuth, Oliver and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {AES 30th International Conference},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Ambience} {Separation} from {Mono} {Recordings} using {Non}-negative {Matrix} {Factorization}},
      venue = {Saariskelä},
      year = {2007}
    2. Uhle, Christian, Rohden, J, Cremer, M, and Herre, Jürgen
      Low Complexity Musical Meter Estimation from Polyphonic Music
      In 25th International AES Conference on "Metadata for Audio", 2004.
      author = {Uhle, Christian and Rohden, J and Cremer, M and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {25th International AES Conference on "Metadata for Audio"},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Low} {Complexity} {Musical} {Meter} {Estimation} from {Polyphonic} {Music}},
      venue = {London},
      year = {2004}
    3. Kastner, Thorsten, Herre, Jürgen, Allamanche, Eric, Hellmuth, Oliver, Ertel, Christian, and Schalek, Marion
      Automatic Optimization of a Musical Similarity Metric Using Similarity Pairs
      In 25th International AES Conference on "Metadata for Audio", 2004.
      author = {Kastner, Thorsten and Herre, Jürgen and Allamanche, Eric and Hellmuth, Oliver and Ertel, Christian and Schalek, Marion},
      booktitle = {25th International AES Conference on "Metadata for Audio"},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Automatic} {Optimization} of a {Musical} {Similarity} {Metric} {Using} {Similarity} {Pairs}},
      venue = {London},
      year = {2004}
    4. Hellmuth, Oliver, Allamanche, Eric, Herre, Jürgen, Kastner, Thorsten, Wistorf, R, and Lefebvre, Nicolas
      Music Genre Estimation from Low Level Audio Features
      In 25th International AES Conference on "Metadata for Audio", 2004.
      author = {Hellmuth, Oliver and Allamanche, Eric and Herre, Jürgen and Kastner, Thorsten and Wistorf, R and Lefebvre, Nicolas},
      booktitle = {25th International AES Conference on "Metadata for Audio"},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Music} {Genre} {Estimation} from {Low} {Level} {Audio} {Features}},
      venue = {London},
      year = {2004}
    5. Uhle, Christian and Herre, Jürgen
      Estimation of Tempo, Microtime and Time Signature from Percussive Music
      In Sixth International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX03), 2003.
      author = {Uhle, Christian and Herre, Jürgen},
      booktitle = {Sixth International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX03)},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Estimation} of {Tempo}, {Microtime} and {Time} {Signature} from {Percussive} {Music}},
      venue = {London},
      year = {2003}
    6. Hellmuth, Oliver, Allamanche, Eric, Cremer, M, Grossmann, H, Herre, Jürgen, and Kastner, Thorsten
      Using MPEG-7 Audio Fingerprinting in Real-World Applications
      In 115th AES Convention, 2003.
      author = {Hellmuth, Oliver and Allamanche, Eric and Cremer, M and Grossmann, H and Herre, Jürgen and Kastner, Thorsten},
      booktitle = {115th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Using} {MPEG}-7 {Audio} {Fingerprinting} in {Real}-{World} {Applications}},
      venue = {New York},
      volume = {Preprint 5961},
      year = {2003}
    7. Herre, Jürgen, Allamanche, Eric, and Ertel, Christian
      How Similar Do Songs Sound? Towards Modeling Human Perception of Musical Similarity
      In IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications for Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2003.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Allamanche, Eric and Ertel, Christian},
      booktitle = {IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications for Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{How} {Similar} {Do} {Songs} {Sound}? {Towards} {Modeling} {Human} {Perception} of {Musical} {Similarity}},
      venue = {Mohonk, NY},
      year = {2003}
    8. Allamanche, Eric, Herre, Jürgen, Hellmuth, Oliver, Kastner, Thorsten, and Ertel, Christian
      A Multiple Feature Model for Musical Similarity Retrieval
      In International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), 2003.
      author = {Allamanche, Eric and Herre, Jürgen and Hellmuth, Oliver and Kastner, Thorsten and Ertel, Christian},
      booktitle = {International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{A} {Multiple} {Feature} {Model} for {Musical} {Similarity} {Retrieval}},
      venue = {Baltimore, Maryland},
      year = {2003}
    9. Kastner, Thorsten, Allamanche, Eric, Herre, Jürgen, Cremer, M, Grossmann, H, and Hellmuth, Oliver
      MPEG-7 Scalable Robust Audio Fingerprinting
      In 112th AES Convention, 2002.
      author = {Kastner, Thorsten and Allamanche, Eric and Herre, Jürgen and Cremer, M and Grossmann, H and Hellmuth, Oliver},
      booktitle = {112th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{MPEG}-7 {Scalable} {Robust} {Audio} {Fingerprinting}},
      venue = {Munich},
      volume = {Preprint 5511},
      year = {2002}
    10. Herre, Jürgen, Allamanche, Eric, and Hellmuth, Oliver
      Robust Matching of Audio Signals Using Spectral Flatness Features
      In IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 2001.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen and Allamanche, Eric and Hellmuth, Oliver},
      booktitle = {IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Robust} {Matching} of {Audio} {Signals} {Using} {Spectral} {Flatness} {Features}},
      venue = {Mohonk, NY},
      year = {2001}
    11. Allamanche, Eric, Herre, Jürgen, Hellmuth, Oliver, Fröba, Bernhard, Kastner, Thorsten, and Cremer, Markus
      Content-based Identification of Audio Material Using MPEG-7 Low Level Description
      In International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), 2001.
      author = {Allamanche, Eric and Herre, Jürgen and Hellmuth, Oliver and Fröba, Bernhard and Kastner, Thorsten and Cremer, Markus},
      booktitle = {International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Content}-based {Identification} of {Audio} {Material} {Using} {MPEG}-7 {Low} {Level} {Description}},
      venue = {Bloomington, Indiana},
      year = {2001}
    12. Allamanche, Eric, Herre, Jürgen, Hellmuth, Oliver, Fröba, Bernhard, and Cremer, Markus
      AudioID: Towards Content-Based Identification of Audio Material
      In 110th AES Convention, 2001.
      author = {Allamanche, Eric and Herre, Jürgen and Hellmuth, Oliver and Fröba, Bernhard and Cremer, Markus},
      booktitle = {110th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{AudioID}: {Towards} {Content}-{Based} {Identification} of {Audio} {Material}},
      venue = {Amsterdam},
      volume = {Preprint 5380},
      year = {2001}
    13. Hellmuth, Oliver, Allamanche, Eric, Herre, Jürgen, Kastner, Thorsten, Cremer, M, and Hirsch, W
      Advanced Audio Identification Using MPEG-7 Content Description
      In 111th AES Convention, 2001.
      author = {Hellmuth, Oliver and Allamanche, Eric and Herre, Jürgen and Kastner, Thorsten and Cremer, M and Hirsch, W},
      booktitle = {111th AES Convention},
      faupublication = {no},
      note = {herre{\_}papers{\_}content{\_}based{\_}techniques},
      peerreviewed = {unknown},
      title = {{Advanced} {Audio} {Identification} {Using} {MPEG}-7 {Content} {Description}},
      venue = {New York},
      volume = {Preprint 5463},
      year = {2001}

    Doctoral Dissertation

    1. Herre, Jürgen
      Fehlerverschleierung von spektral codierten Audiosignalen
      PhD Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 1995.
      author = {Herre, Jürgen},
      faupublication = {yes},
      note = {herre{\_}dissertation},
      peerreviewed = {automatic},
      school = {Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg},
      title = {{Fehlerverschleierung} von spektral codierten {Audiosignalen}},
      year = {1995}

    Invited Talks at Conferences etc.

    K. Brandenburg, B. Grill, J. Herre: "Perceptual Audio Coding – von mp3 bis zum heutigen Tage", Festkolloquium anlässlich der Verleihung des Eduard-Rhein-Preises 2015, TU München, München, Oktober 2015

    J. Herre: "Was kommt nach mp3? mp3 und seine Nachfolger", Plenary Lecture at DAGA 2015, Nürnberg, Germany, March 2015

    J. Herre: "The MP3 Story: Perceptual Audio Coding from its Beginnings to the Present", Evening Lecture at 26th IEEE International System-On-Chip Conference (SOCC), Erlangen, Germany, September 2013

    J. Herre: "MPEG Audio - A Technology Motor for Broadcast Audio Delivery", Keynote Talk at 1st Anniversary Event of the BBC Research Partnership, Manchester, UK, September 2012

    J. Herre: "Recent advances in perceptual coding of spatial audio signals - what could it mean for visual?", Plenary Lecture at the Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) 2012, Krakow, Poland, May 2012

    J. Herre: "Parametrische Codierung von Audioobjekten: Der ISO/MPEG SAOC-Standard", 15. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Strukturierte Sitzung “Audiocodierung jenseits von mp3”, Erlangen, Germany, March 2012

    J. Herre: "mp3 & more: Audiocodierung gestern, heute und morgen", Student’s Day Lecture at the Embedded World Exhibition & Congress 2012, Nürnberg, Germany, March 2012

    J. Herre, L. Terentiv: "Parametric Coding of Audio Objects: Technology, Performance and Opportunities", 42th International AES Conference on Semantic Audio, Ilmenau, Germany, July 2011

    J. Herre: "Efficient Representation of Sound Images: Recent Developments in Parametric Coding of Spatial Audio", Keynote at the Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) 2007, Lisboa, Portugal, November 2007

    J. Herre: "Personal Audio: From Simple Sound Reproduction To Personalized Interactive Rendering", Keynote at Audio Mostly Conference 2007, Ilmenau, Germany, September 2007.

    J. Herre, S. Disch: "New Concepts in Parametric Coding of Spatial Audio: From SAC to SAOC", International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2007, Beijing, China, Juli 2007.

    J. Herre, S. Disch, J. Hilpert, O. Hellmuth: "From SAC To SAOC - Recent Developments in Parametric Coding of Spatial Audio", 22nd Regional UK AES Conference, Cambridge, UK, April 2007.

    J. Herre: "Audio coding - the future has just begun!", SPS-DARTS 2006, Antwerp, Belgium, March 2006

    R. Geiger, M. Schmidt, J. Herre, R. Yu: "MPEG-4 SLS – Lossless and Near-Lossless Audio Coding Based on MPEG-4 AAC", Second International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, Marrakech, Marocco, March 2006

    J. Herre: "MPEG-7 – Standardized Tools for music information retrieval", 150th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, October 2005

    S. Disch, J. Herre: "'Spatial Audio Coding' - Status and Recent Advances in Parametric Multi-channel Audio Coding", DAGA, Munich 2005

    J. Herre: "From Traditional Joint Stereo to Spatial Audio Coding - Recent Progress in Source Coding of Multi-Channel Audio", Guest Lecture at University of Åarhus, Åarhus, Denmark, February 2005.

    J. Herre: "Von der traditionellen Stereocodierung zum "Spatial Audio Coding", Vortrag im Rahmen des Elektrotechnischen Kolloquiums des IEEI der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, Dezember 2004

    J. Herre: "From Joint Stereo to Spatial Audio Coding - Recent Progress and Standardization", Sixth International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX04), Naples, Italy, October 2004

    J. Herre: "MIR, Metadata & Standardization", Panel Session "MIR in Devices – Challenges and Opportunities", International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, October 2003

    J. Herre: "MPEG-7 Audio: Tools for Semantic Audio Description and Processing", Keynote at the Sixth International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX03), London, September 2003

    J. Herre, C. Neubauer: "'Fingerprints' und 'Signaturen' - neue Ansätze zur Inhaltserkennung ", Tonmeistertagung, Hannover November 2002

    J. Herre: "Metadata: Managing Multimedia Content Efficiently", IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics 2002 (ISCE02), Erfurt, September 2002

    B. Grill, J. Herre, H. Popp: "MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding", International Broadcasting Convention (IBC2002), Amsterdam, September 2002

    J. Herre: "Audio Coding – An All-Round Entertainment Technology ", Keynote at the 22th International AES Conference on Virtual, Synthetic and Entertainment Audio, Espoo, Finland, June 2002

    J. Herre, E. Allamanche, O. Hellmuth, T. Kastner: "Robust Identification/Fingerprinting of Audio Signals Using Spectral Flatness Features", 143rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh (PA), June 2002

    J. Herre: "MPEG-7 Audio - Looking into the audio content", AES Metadata Symposium at the 112th AES Convention, Munich, May 2002

    J. Herre: "MPEG-7 Audio - Looking into the content", 3rd MPEG-7 Awareness Event, Fairfax, VA, May 2002

    J. Herre: "Scalable Audio Fingerprinting Technology based on MPEG-7 Audio",

    J. Herre: "Audio Compression Schemes in Digital Television Broadcasting – An Overview", Procedings of the Interregional ITU-D Seminar on the Transition from SECAM to Digital Broadcasting, Kiev, Ukraine, 13-15 November 2000

    S. Geyersberger, J. Herre: "Audio Compression Schemes in Digital Television Broadcasting – An Overview", Procedings of the Interregional ITU-D Seminar on the Transition to Digital Broadcasting, Nairobi, Kenya, 5-7 November 2001

    J. Herre, B. Grill: "MPEG-4 Audio - Overview and Perspectives for the Broadcasters", International Broadcasting Convention (IBC2000), Amsterdam, September 2000

    J. Herre, B. Grill: "Overview of MPEG-4 Audio and its Application in Mobile Communications", 16th World Computer Congress / IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), Beijing, August 2000

    J. Herre: "Audio Watermarking in the Bitstream Domain", 25th Anniversary Workshop of the Signal Processing Lab, Technion University, Haifa, June 2000

    K. Brandenburg, B. Grill, J. Herre, R. Väänänen: Short Course "MPEG-4 Audio", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Geneva, 28 May 2000

    J. Herre: "Watermarking und Scrambling codierter Audiosignale - neue Techniken bei der Verteilung multimedialer Daten", Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Media-Event", TU Ilmenau, April 2000

    J. Herre: "MP3 und MPEG Audio: Wie funktioniert moderne Datenkompression ?", Vortrag vor den Siegern des Bundesjugendwettbewerbs Informatik, Bad Liebenzell, Februar 2000

    J. Herre, J. D. Johnston: "Exploiting Both Time and Frequency Structure in a System that Uses an Analysis/Synthesis Filterbank with High Frequency Resolution", 103rd AES Convention, New York 1997, Preprint 4519

    J. Herre: "The NMR Measurement Technique", Workshop "Perceptual Encoding: Subjective and Objective Methods of Evaluation", 95th AES Convention, New York 1993

    J. Herre, S. Quackenbush: "MPEG and PAC Audio Coders", IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Mohonk, NY, 1997

    K. Brandenburg, E. Eberlein, J. Herre, B. Edler: "Comparison of Filterbanks for High Quality Audio Coding", IEEE ISCAS, San Diego, 1992

    Invited Conference Workshop Presentations, Tutorials

    J. Herre, S. Dick: "Perceptual Audio Coders – What To Listen For", Online Research Colloquium of German AES Section, March 2024

    J. Herre, T. Sporer: “What Is Going On In MPEG Audio? About Virtual Worlds, Quality Evaluation & More”, Workshop at the 153rd AES Convention/Online, New York, October 2022

    J. Herre, S. Dick, C. Faller: "’Perceptual Audio Coders – What To Listen For’ – The Web Edition", Workshop, 148th AES Convention, Virtual Vienna, June 2020

    J. Herre: "MPEG-H 3D Audio In A Nutshell" and "MPEG-H 3D Audio Goes MPEG-I", Workshop "GA07 – MPEG-H 3D Audio Goes VR", 147th AES Convention, New York, October 2019

    J. Herre: "MPEG-H 3D Audio In A Nutshell" and "MPEG-H 3D Audio Goes MPEG-I", Workshop "W06 – MPEG-H 3D Audio Goes VR", 146th AES Convention, Dublin, March 2019

    J. Herre: "Introduction to Hybrid Audio Coding", Workshop "TW06 – New Developments in Listening Test Design", 143rd AES Convention, New York, October 2017

    J. Herre: "Introduction to Hybrid Audio Coding", Workshop "PD06 – Modern Hybrid Coding", 143rd AES Convention, New York, October 2017

    J. Herre: "Introduction to Hybrid Audio Coding", Workshop "W19 – Modern Hybrid Coding", 142nd AES Convention, Berlin, May 2017

    J. Herre: "A Brief Introduction To MPEG-H 3DA Standardization", Workshop "W8 - ISO/MPEG-H Audio—The New Standard for Universal Spatial / 3D Audio Coding", 138th AES Convention, New York, October 2015

    J. Herre: "A Brief Introduction To MPEG-H 3DA Standardization", Workshop "W2 - ISO/MPEG-H Audio—The New Standard for Universal Spatial / 3D Audio Coding", 138th AES Convention, Warsaw, May 2015

    J. Herre, B. Edler, S. Disch: "Tutorial on Perceptual Audio Coding", 17th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx-14, Erlangen, September 2014

    J. Herre: "More Applications With Audio Objects", Workshop "MPEG SAOC: Interactive Audio and Broadcasting, Music 2.0, Next Generation Telecommunication", 126th AES Convention, Munich, May 2009

    J. Herre: "MPEG Spatial Audio Object Coding (SAOC)", Workshop "Upcoming MPEG Standard for Efficient Parametric Coding and Rendering of Audio Objects", 125th AES Convention, San Francisco, October 2008

    J. Herre: "From Traditional Stereo Coding to 'MPEG Surround' - Recent Progress in Spatially Parametric Source Coding of Multi-channel Audio", Usability Kolloquium, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin, Germany, January 2007

    J. Herre: "MPEG Surround - Surround Sound by Next-generation Multichannel Audio Coding", Workshop on Advanced Multimedia Standards, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, October 2006

    J. Herre: "Downmix in MPEG Surround", Workshop "Downmix in Practise", 119th AES Convention, New York, October 2005

    J. Herre: "Downmix in MPEG Spatial Audio Coding", Workshop "Downmix in Practise", 118th AES Convention, Barcelona, May 2005

    J. Herre: "Spatial Audio Coding: Recent Standardization Activities", Roundtable "Neue Tendenzen bei der Codierung von 5.1 Mehrkanalton – wird Mehrkanalton beim terrestrischen Rundfunk zur Realität? (New paths in multi-channel audio coding)", Tonmeistertagung 2004, Leipzig, Germany, November 2004

    J. Herre: "Spatial Audio Coding: Efficient & Compatible Parametric Multi-Channel Audio Coding", Workshop "Spatial Coding of Surround Sound – A Progress Report", 117th AES Convention, San Francisco, October 2004

    J. Herre, E. Allamanche: "Using MPEG-7 Audio Low Level Scalability: A Guided Tour", Tutorial MPEG-7 Workshop, 25th International AES Conference "Metadata for Audio", London, June 2004

    G. Schuller, J. Herre: "Audio Coding: Recent advances and Standards ", Tutorial, IEEE ICASSP, Montreal, May 2004

    K. Brandenburg, J. Herre: "All about Audio Data Reduction", Tutorial Seminar, 117th AES Convention, Berlin, May 2004

    O. Hellmuth, J. Herre: "AudioID: MPEG-7 Audio Fingerprinting und Anwendungen", Workshop "MPEG-7 Verfahren und Anwendungen, Deutscher Expertenworkshop zum Metadatenstandard MPEG-7", Schloss Birlinghofen, Bonn, Dezember 2003

    J. Herre: "Semantic Audio Analysis & Metadata Standards", Workshop "Audio gets smart – the what and why of semantic audio analysis", 115th AES Convention, New York, October 2003

    J. Herre, O. Hellmuth, M. Cremer: "Scalable Robust Audio Fingerprinting Using MPEG-7 Content Description", IEEE MMSP Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, St. Thomas, USA 2002

    J. Herre: "Audio Coding – Progress and Standardization within the Recent Decade", Workshop on Model Based Processing and Coding of Audio, MPCA-2002, IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Chapter, Arenberg Castle, Leuven, Belgium, November 2002

    J. Herre: "The Inverse Decoder", Workshop "Perceptual Issues Related to Cascaded Audio Codecs", 113th AES Convention, Los Angeles, October 2002

    J. Herre: "Scalable Fingerprinting Technology", CAST –Forum Workshop on Digital Watermarking and Digital Rights Management, Darmstadt, September 2002

    J. Herre, B. Grill, G Zoia: Tutorial "MPEG-4 Audio Basics and Extensions", MPEG-4 Industry Forum: Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4, San Jose, 26 June 2002

    J. Herre: "Loss of Stereo Image, BML, Tandem Coding", Workshop "Listening to Perceptual Audio Coders ", 112th AES Convention, Munich, May 2002

    J. Herre: "The Inverse Decoder", Workshop "Perceptual Issues Related to Cascaded Audio Codecs", 112th AES Convention, Munich, May 2002 Workshop "Watermarks and Fingerprints - Horses For Courses", 111th AES Convention, New York, December 2001

    K. Brandenburg, B. Grill, J. Herre, R. Väänänen: Tutorial "MPEG-4 Audio", MPEG-4 Industry Forum: Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4, San Jose, 19 June 2001

    J. Herre: "Robust Matching of Audio Signals", Workshop "MPEG-7 Audio - What is it about ?", 110th AES Convention, Amsterdam, May 2001

    J. Herre: "The Hacker’s Perspective", Workshop "Watermarking and Audio Quality", 110th AES Convention, Amsterdam, May 2001

    J. Herre: "Loss of Stereo Image", Workshop "Perceptual Audio Coders – What to Listen for", 109th AES Convention, Los Angeles, September 2000

    J. Herre: "MPEG-4 Low Delay General Audio Coding", Workshop "MPEG-4 Version 2 Audio - What is it about ?", 108th AES Convention, Paris, February 2000

    J. Herre: "Temporal Noise Shaping, Quantization and Coding Methods in Perceptual Audio Coding – A Tutorial Introduction", Proceedings of the 17th International AES Conference on High Quality Audio Coding, Florence, 1999

    J. Herre: Tutorial "MPEG Audio Coding", Fifth Biennial Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM 99), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 1999

    J. Herre: "MPEG-4 General Audio Coding", Workshop "The MPEG-4 Audio Standard: Overview and Applications ", 106th AES Convention, Munich 1999

    J. Herre: "Psychoacoustics and Filterbank: Temporal Issues in Audio Coding", Workshop "Audio Coding", 105th AES Convention, San Francisco 1998

    Other Presentations

    D. Seitzer, J. Herre: "MP3 und weitere Beiträge aus Erlangen zu einer globalen Innovation", Vortrag im Rahmen des Professoriums des Fakultätenclubs der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Fraunhofer IIS, 4. Juli 2017

    J. Herre: "So viel Hören – und das mit nur 2 Ohren?", Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe “Faszination Technik”, Fraunhofer IIS, April 2012

    J. Herre: "mp3 war erst der Beginn: Audiocodierung gestern, heute, morgen", Vortrag zum Abschied von Herrn Prof. Gerhäuser, Zentrale der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Schloss), Oktober 2011

    J. Herre: "Audiocodierung gestern, heute, morgen: mp3 & much more", Antrittsvorlesung, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, November 2010

    J. Herre: "Automatischer Downmix bei 'Spatial Audio Coding' - Verfahren", Workshop “Downmix-Aspekte im Umfeld von 5.1 Mehrkanalton”, Schule für Rundfunktechnik (SRT), Nürnberg, Mai 2005

    J. Herre: "Merkmalsextraktion, Metadaten, MPEG-7", Workshop "Technik im Zeitalter der zusammenwachsenden Medien", Kloster Banz, Bamberg, April 2002

    J. Herre: "MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC): Advanced Features," Internationaler Audio & Multimedia Workshop am Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen, Erlangen, Juli 1998

    J. Herre: "ISO/MPEG-Audio Layer III MC: Introduction & Overview", Vortrag auf dem Seminar "MPEG-2 Layer III Multi-Channel Coding", BBC Research Department und Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen, Erlangen, April 1995

    J. Herre: "ISO/MPEG-Audio Layer III MC: Composite Coding, Part I+II ", Vortrag auf dem Seminar "MPEG-2 Layer III Multi-Channel Coding", BBC Research Department und Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen, Erlangen, April 1995

    J. Herre: "Multikanalcodierung mit MPEG-2 Audio", Vortrag auf gemeinsamen Workshop von Media Center Franken (MCF) und Fraunhofer Institut für integrierte Schaltungen, Erlangen, Oktober 1994

    J. Herre: "Qualitätskontrolle beim Einsatz von datenreduzierenden Systemen: Das NMR-Meßsystem", Seminar Datenreduktion beim Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT), München, Oktober 1992

    J. Herre: "Qualitätsbeurteilung in Echtzeit mit dem NMR-Meßsystem", Workshop zum Seminar "Bitratenreduktion", Robert-Schuhmann-Hochschule Düsseldorf, April 1992

    J. Herre: "Datenreduktion mit dem ISO/MPEG-Audio Standard: Layer III", Vortrag auf dem Seminar "Datenreduktion - Konsequenzen für die Betriebstechnik", West¬deutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Köln, September 1992

    J. Herre: "Qualitätskontrolle beim Einsatz von datenreduzierenden Systemen: Das NMR-Meßsystem", Vortrag auf dem Seminar "Datenreduktion - Konsequenzen für die Betriebstechnik", Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Köln, September 1992

    J. Herre: "Joint Stereo Coding Techniques for Perceptual Coders", Vortrag bei der Firma Tektronix, Portland, USA, 1992

    Conference Session Chairs

    Workshop "GA07 – MPEG-H 3D Audio Goes VR", 147th AES Convention, New York, October 2019

    Workshop "W06 – MPEG-H 3D Audio Goes VR", 146th AES Convention, Dublin, March 2019

    Session “P10 - Audio Coding, Analysis, and Synthesis”, 144th AES Convention, Milano, May 2018

    Technical Coordinator of the AES International Conference on Semantic Audio, Erlangen, Germany, June 2017

    Session “Audio Source Separation”, AES International Conference on Semantic Audio, Erlangen, Germany, June 2017

    Workshop "W19 – Modern Hybrid Coding", 143rd AES Convention, New York, October 2017

    Workshop "PD06 – Modern Hybrid Coding", 142nd AES Convention, Berlin, May 2017

    Session AASP-P11 “Audio Quality, Coding and Processing”, IEEE ICASSP, New Orleans, USA, March 2017

    Session “Perception, Part 1”, 138th AES Convention, Warsaw, May 2015

    Vorkolloquium “Audiocodierung und Qualitätsbeurteilung”, DAGA 2015, Nürnberg, März 2015

    Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats, DAGA 2015, Nürnberg, März 2015

    Session “Spatial Audio, Part 2”, 137th AES Convention, Los Angeles, October 2014

    General Chair, 17th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx-14, Erlangen, September 2014

    Session “Tutorial and Demos”, 17th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx-14, Erlangen, September 2014

    Session “Perception, Part 2”, 136th AES Convention, Berlin, April 2014

    Conference Co-Chair International Conference on Spatial Audio (ICSA), Erlangen, Germany, February 2014

    Session “3D Multichannel”, International Conference on Spatial Audio (ICSA), Erlangen, Germany, February 2014

    Session AASP-P6 “Spatial Audio and Audio Coding”, IEEE ICASSP, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012

    Session AE-P4 “Audio Analysis, Synthesis and Modeling”, IEEE ICASSP, Dallas, USA, March 2010

    Session “Digital Signal Processing, Part 2”, 121st AES Convention, San Francisco, October 2006

    Session AE-L3 “Audio Signal Analysis, Modeling and Coding”, IEEE ICASSP, Toulouse, France, May 2006

    Session “Audio Coding”, IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Mohonk, NY, 2005

    Session “Low Bit Rate Audio Coding, Part 2”, 119th AES Convention, New York, October 2005

    Session “Low Bit Rate Audio Coding, Part 1”, 118th AES Convention, Barcelona, May 2005

    Session AE-P4 “Applications in Music”, IEEE ICASSP, Philadelphia, PA, USA, March 2005

    Session AE-P3 “Broadband Coding, Perceptual Coding, and Auditory Modeling”, IEEE ICASSP, Montreal, Canada, June 2004

    Session “Low Bit-Rate Audio Coding – Part 1”, 116th AES Convention, Berlin, June 2004

    Session “Low Bit-Rate Audio Coding”, 115th AES Convention, New York, October 2003

    Workshop “New Technological Developments in MPEG-4 Audio”, 114th AES Convention, Amsterdam, March 2003

    Session “Low Bitrate Audio Coding, Part 2”, 114th AES Convention, Amsterdam, March 2003

    Workshop “Recent Development in MPEG-4 Audio”, 113th AES Convention, Los Angeles, October 2002

    Session “Subjective and Objective Evaluation (2)”, 22th International AES Conference on Virtual, Synthetic and Entertainment Audio, Espoo, Finland, June 2002

    Session “Low Bitrate Audio Coding, Part 1”, 112th AES Convention, Munich, March 2002

    Session “Internet Audio and Audio Networking, Part 2”, 111th AES Convention, New York, November 2001

    Session “Compression”, IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Mohonk, NY, 2001

    Workshop “MPEG-7 Audio - What is it about?”, 110th AES Convention, Amsterdam, May 2001

    Workshop “MPEG-4 Version 2 Audio - What is it about?”, 108th AES Convention, Paris, February 2000

    Session “Audio Coding”, 107th AES Convention, New York 1999

    Session “Research Papers, Part 2”, 17th International AES Conference on High Quality Audio Coding, Florence 1999

    Papers Chairman, 17th International AES Conference on High Quality Audio Coding, Florence 1999

    Session “Perceptual Coding I”, 14th AES Convention, Amsterdam 1998

    Workshop “Formal and De-Facto Standards in Reduced Rate Audio Coding”, 104th AES Convention, Amsterdam 1998

    Session “Audio Coding”, IEEE ASSP Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Mohonk, NY, 1997