A Data Perspective on Ethical Challenges in Voice Biometrics Research at the ISCA SIG-SPSC Webinar, online, 2024
Menschliche Faktoren im Fokus: Debiasing-Strategien für Datenschutz am Beispiel von Sprachassistenzsystemen. at the 3. Regensburger Cybersecurity-Kongress und AIR Annual Meetup, Regensburg, Germany, 2024
Hey Alexa, wer hat Zugriff auf meine Daten? at the World Usability Day 2023, Nürnberg, Germany, 2023 Watch on YouTube
Hey Alexa, who has access to my data? - Moving from privacy policies to expert-driven privacy dialogues at the Responsible AI Forum, Munich, Germany, 2023
Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence, podium discussion at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 2023
Let's chat privacy - towards privacy dialogues in Conversational AI at the European Chatbot & Conversational AI Summit, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2023 Watch on YouTube
More than informed: Why rational decision-making for privacy matters at the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), Sydney, Australia, 2022
Wie Alexa sprechen lernt - Sprachassistenz zwischen Datenhunger und Datenschutz with Alessandra Zarcone at the University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg, Germany, 2022 Watch on YouTube