Erkomaishvili Dataset

This is the accompanying website to the dataset article

  1. Sebastian Rosenzweig, Frank Scherbaum, David Shugliashvili, Vlora Arifi-Müller, and Meinard Müller
    Erkomaishvili Dataset: A Curated Corpus of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music for Computational Musicology
    Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (TISMIR), 3(1): 31–41, 2020. PDF Details Demo DOI
    title     = {Erkomaishvili {D}ataset: {A} Curated Corpus of Traditional {G}eorgian Vocal Music for Computational Musicology},
    author    = {Sebastian Rosenzweig and Frank Scherbaum and David Shugliashvili and Vlora Arifi-M{\"u}ller and Meinard M{\"u}ller},
    journal   = {Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval ({TISMIR})},
    volume    = {3},
    number    = {1},
    year      = {2020},
    pages     = {31--41},
    publisher = {Ubiquity Press},
    doi       = {10.5334/tismir.44},
    url-pdf   = {2020_RosenzweigEtAl_Erkomaishvili_TISMIR_ePrint.pdf},
    url-details  = {},
    url-demo  = {}


The analysis of recorded audio material using computational methods has received increased attention in ethnomusicological research. We present a curated dataset of traditional Georgian vocal music for computational musicology. The corpus is based on historic tape recordings of three-voice Georgian songs performed by the the former master chanter Artem Erkomaishvili. In this article, we give a detailed overview on the audio material, transcriptions, and annotations contained in the dataset. Beyond its importance for ethnomusicological research, this carefully organized and annotated corpus constitutes a challenging scenario for music information retrieval tasks such as fundamental frequency estimation, onset detection, and score-to-audio alignment. The corpus is publicly available and accessible through score-following web-players.

Youtube Videos

Videos based on the web-based players can be found on Youtube:

Digital Sheet Music

The provided digital sheet music in MusicXML-format is based on the transcriptions by David Shugliashvili as published in the book:

  1. David Shugliashvili
    Georgian Church Hymns, Shemokmedi School
    Georgian Chanting Foundation, 2014.
    author    = {David Shugliashvili},
    title     = {{G}eorgian Church Hymns, {S}hemokmedi {S}chool},
    publisher = {Georgian {C}hanting {F}oundation},
    year      = {2014},
    ismn      = {979-0-802100-71-8}

The book can be purchased here.

Corpus Data (Version 1.0)

If you publish results obtained using these annotations, please cite [1].

Collection of the Erkomaishvili audio recordings (MP3)
Segment annotations (CSV)
F0-annotations (CSV)
Note-Onset annotations (CSV)
Digital sheet music (MusicXML)


  • GCH-IDs correspond to the score numbers in the Shugliashvili book.
  • Sub-pages only exist for songs with publicly available Erkomaishvili audio recordings.
  • Some of the recordings include two songs: GCH-ID 022/023, 043/044, 058/059, 102/103. These songs share a subpage.
  • Recordings with GCH-ID 004, 015, and 107 suffer from strong tape recorder artefacts.
  • In order to simplify computational processing and website generation, the following modifications have been made in the digital sheet music in comparison to the original book transcriptions:
    • Time signatures und bar lines serve as reference and do not have a musical meaning. All time signatures are hidden in the web-interface.
    • Integer QNRs are added to the lyrics as reference.
    • Georgian lyrics are not included in the digital scores.
    • Repetitions are resolved in order to match the audio recordings.
    • Brackets encapsulating notes are removed.
    • All systems of a score are set to have the same key. Accidentals are adjusted to match the book transcription.
    • Dashed bar lines are converted to continuous lines.
    • Italic lyrics are changed to standard style.
    • Double notes are resolved by removing the notes in smaller font size.
    • Metronome markings and breathing indicators are removed.
    • Hyphenation in the lyrics is adjusted for visualization purposes.

Recordings                               Search: 

English Title
Georgian Title
001 Christ is risen from the dead Qrist'e aghsdga Link
002 The Angels in the Heaven Aghdgomasa shensa Link
003 Christ is risen from the dead Qrist'e aghsdga Link
004 Christ is risen from the dead Qrist'e aghsdga Link
005 The Day of Resurrection Aghdgomisa dghe ars Link
006 Let us purify our senses Ganvits'midnet satsnobelni Link
007 For meet is it that heavens Tsani q'ovlad ghirsabit Link
008 O, come, let us quaff a beverage new Movedit da vsvat Link
009 Now are filled with all the light Ats' q'ovliturt aghivso Link
010 Yesterday, O Christ Gushin shentana Link
011 May Habakkuk, divinely speaking Saghmrtosa sakhmilavsa zeda Link
012 This is the chosen and Holy day Esa ars ts'mida da chinebul dghe Link
013 O, Father almighty Mamao q'ovlisa mp'q'robelo Link
014 My soul doth magnify Adidebs suli chemi Link
015 The Angel cried unto her Angelozi ghaghadebs Link
016 Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem Ganatldi, ganatldi Link
017 My soul doth magnify Adidebs suli chemi Link
018 The Angel cried unto her Angelozi ghaghadebs Link
019 Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem Ganatldi, ganatldi Link
020 Today is the Holy Passover P'aseki brts'q'invaled Link
021 And onto us hath he given life Da chven mogvanich'a
022 Through the prayers of the Birth-giver God Meokhebita ghvtismshobelisata Link
023 O, Son of God Gvatskhovnen chven dzeo ghmrtisao
024 Bless the Lord in his temples Eklesiasa shina Link
025 Christ is risen from the dead Qrist'e aghsdga Link
026 When they who from Marcy come Tsiskarsa mstvad movida mariam Link
027 Though thou didst descent Daghatsatu nebsit tvisit Link
028 The Holy Nativity, O Virgin Shobaman shenmam, ghvtismshobelo
029 Magnify, O my soul Adidebs suli chemi Link
030 Virgin womb ineffably Romelman shev mtiebi Link
031 Christ is born: extol him Qrist'es shobasa vadidebdet Link
032 Of old the Master who works wonders Sasts'aulita ikhsna eri upalman Link
033 God, listen to the prayers of the slaves Ghmerto, mokheden monata galobasa Link
034 The rod the root of Jeese Kvertkhi ieses dzirisagan Link
035 Magnify, O my soul Adide, sulo chemo Link
036 A mystery, strange and most glorious Saidumlo, utskho da didebuli Link
037 A mystery, strange and most glorious Saidumlo, utskho da didebuli
038 Through the prayers of the Birth-giver God Meokhebita ghvtismshobelisata
039 O, Son of God Gvatskhovnen chven dzeo ghmrtisao
040 Out of the Womb Sashod mtiebisa Link
041 Thy Nativity, O Christ our God Shobaman shenmam, qrist'e ghmerto Link
042 To-day Virgin bringeth Qalts'uli dghes arsebad Link
043 Throgh the prayers of the Birth-giver God Meokhebita ghvtismshobelisata Link
044 O, Son of God Gvatskhovnen chven dzeo ghmrtisao
045 Blessed is He that cometh Kurtkhul ars momavali Link
046 When in Jordan thou wast baptized Razhams iordanes natel ighe Link
047 As Many as are Baptized Raodenta qrist'es mier Link
048 Magnify, O my soul Adide sulo chemo Link
049 No tongue hath power worthily to praise Vershemdzlebel vart didebad shenda Link
050 Hail, Virgin Birth-giver of God Gikharoden mimadlebulo Link
051 O Virgin Birth-giver of God, the Hope Ghvtismshobelo qalts'ulo, sasoebao Link
052 In the Law - in the shadow Ts'erilta mier sjulisata Link
053 Lord, now lettest Thou Ats' ganut'eve Link
054 Today in the crown of our salvation Dghes tskhovrebisa chvenisa Link
055 I will open my mouth Aghaghe p'iri chemi
056 Let no hand profane Kidobansa nas sjulisasa Link
057 Worthily Gabriel has announced to the Virgin Ghirsad gabriel qalts'uls akhara Link
058 Through the prayers of the Birth-giver of God Meokhebita ghvtismshobelisata Link
059 O, Son of God Gvatskhovnen chven dzeo ghmrtisao
060 O Lord, send forth thy light Upalo mogvivline nateli Link
061 Thou wast transfiguration upon the Mount Mtasa zeda peri itsvale qrist'e Link
062 Magnify, O my soul Adide sulo chemo Link
063 Thy birth-giving was shown Shoba sheni ukhrts'nel ars Link
064 To-day hath the grace of the Holy Spirit Dghes saghmrtoman madlman
065 When the disciples saw the Enter Mots'apeta ra ikhiles Link
066 God is the Lord Ghmerti upali Link
067 Light sent by light Nateli natlisagan movlinebuli Link
068 Thou art ascended up into glory Amaghldi didebit qrist'e ghmerto Link
069 Magnify, O my soul Adidebs suli chemi Link
070 Thee, who above understanding Shev, qalts'ulo Link
071 When You, O God, shall come to earth Razhams mokhvide ghmerti Link
072 When the glorious disciples Razhams didebulni mots'apeni Link
073 Noble Joseph, when he had taken Shvenierman ioseb Link
074 When Thou didst descend into death Razhams shtakhed saplavad Link
075 Love brought Thee, O Lord Siq'varulman mogiq'vana
076 O Leaders of the Heavenly Hosts Zetsisa mkhedrobata mtavarangelozno Link
077 As the deliverer of the captives T'q'veta ganmatavisuplebelo Link
078 Let us honour holy Barbara Barbares ts'midasa p'at'ivs vstsemdet Link
079 Thy fame has gone forth into all the earth Q'ovelsa qveq'anasa Link
080 O fellow servant with the minister Sit'q'visa ghvtisa Link
081 The apostle distinguished by Christ Motsiquli qrist'esagan gamorcheuli Link
082 To-day Georgian people are rejoicing Dghes mokharul ars eri qartvelta
083 The glorious beheading of the Forerunner Ts'inamorbedisa didebulisa Link
084 O swallow, beautiful Mertskhalo mshveniero
085 I believe in one God Mrts'amsi Link
086 A mercy of peace Ts'q'aloba, mshvidoba Link
087 And with thy spirit Da sulisatsa Link
088 We have unto the Lord Gvaqvs uplisa mimart Link
089 Meet and right is it Ghirs ars da martal Link
090 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabaoth Ts'mida ars, ts'mida ars Link
091 We praise Thee Shen gigalobt Link
092 Meet is it, in truth, to bless Thee Ghirs ars ch'eshmarit'a Link
093 And all the people Q'ovelta da q'ovlisatvis Link
094 Our Father, who art in heaven Mamao chveno Link
095 Our Father, who art in heaven Mamao chveno Link
096 To Thee, O Lord Shen, upalo
097 Amen Amin Link
098 One only is holy Ert ars ts'mida Link
099 Receive ye the Body of Christ Khortsi qrist'esi movighot Link
100 Glory to the Father, and to the Son Dideba mamasa da dzesa Link
101 O Lord, who at the third Hour Upalo romelman q'ovladts'mida Link
102 Make me a clean heart, O God Guli ts'mida dabade Link
103 O thou, on the sixth day and Hour Romelman meeqvsesa dghesa
104 O thou, who at the Ninth Hour Romelman metskhresa zhamsa Link
105 Lord, I have cried unto Thee Upalo ghaghadvq'av shendami Link
106 Let my prayer be set forth before thee Ts'aremarten lotsva chemi Link
107 Now the Powers of Heaven Ats' dzalni tsatani Link
108 In Thee rejoiceth, O thou Shendami ikharebs Link
109 The star, revaled from Heaven Zetsit gamochinebulisa Link
110 Eis polla Isp'ola Link
111 Ton despotin T'on desp'ot'in Link
112 Kirie eleison Kirieleison Link
113 Axios Aqsios Link
114 Rejoice, O Isaiah! Isaia mkhiarul iq'av Link
115 O holy Martyrs Ts'mindano mots'ameno Link
116 Glory to Thee, O Christ-God Dideba shenda qrist'e ghmerto Link
117 The great mystery of Thy arrival Mosvlisa shenisa
118 You are a vine Shen khar venakhi


This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG MU 2686/13-1, SCHE 280/20-1). The International Audio Laboratories Erlangen are a joint institution of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS. We thank Selina Sonntag, Stefanie Kämmerle and Moritz Berendes for helping us with the annotations. We gratefully acknowledge the support by the Polyphonies Vivantes Association for bringing the transcriptions of Shugliashvili (2014) into digital form and making them available for the current analysis. Furthermore, we like to thank Frank Zalkow, Lukas Dietz, and El Mehdi Lemnaouar for their contributions to the web-interface and Nana Mzhavanadze for her feedback regarding the representation of non-tempered music.