@inproceedings{MuellerRDS17_EthnoMusicF0_AES, author = {Meinard M{\"u}ller and Sebastian Rosenzweig and Jonathan Driedger and Frank Scherbaum}, title = {Interactive Fundamental Frequency Estimation with Applications to Ethnomusicological Research}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {AES} Conference on Semantic Audio}, address = {Erlangen, Germany}, year = {2017}, pages = {186--193}, url-details = {https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/MIR/2017-GeorgianMusic-Erkomaishvili}, } @inproceedings{PraetzlichDM16_MrMsDTW_ICASSP, author = {Thomas Pr{\"a}tzlich and Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Memory-restricted Multiscale Dynamic Time Warping}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ({ICASSP})}, address = {Shanghai, China}, year = {2016}, pages = {}, } @inproceedings{FuegNDDM16_HPRStructureTensor_ICASSP, author = {Richard F{\"u}g and Andreas Niedermeier and Jonathan Driedger and Sascha Disch and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Harmonic-Percussive-Residual Sound Separation using the Structure Tensor on Spectrograms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ({ICASSP})}, address = {Shanghai, China}, year = {2016}, pages = {}, } @article{DriedgerMueller16_ReviewTSM_AppliedSciences, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, journal = {Applied Sciences}, title = {A Review on Time-Scale Modification of Music Signals}, year = {2016}, month = {February}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {57--82} } @inproceedings{BalkeDADM16_MultipleAnnotations_ISMIR, author = {Stefan Balke and Jonathan Driedger and Jakob Abe{\ss}er and Christian Dittmar and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Towards Evaluating Multiple Predominant Melody Annotations in Jazz Recordings}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})}, address = {New York, USA}, year = {2016} } @inproceedings{LopezSerranoDM16_EDM_ISMIR, author = {Patricio L\'{o}pez-Serrano and Christian Dittmar and Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Towards Modeling and Decomposing Loop-Based Electronic Music}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})}, address = {New York, USA}, year = {2016} } @inproceedings{DriedgerBEM16_VibratoAnalysis_ISMIR, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Stefan Balke and Sebastian Ewert and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Template-Based Vibrato Analysis of Music Signals}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})}, address = {New York, USA}, year = {2016} } @inproceedings{DriedgerMueller15_HPRZerlegung_DAGA, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {{H}armonisch-{P}erkussiv-{R}est {Z}erlegung von {M}usiksignalen}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Deutsche Jahrestagung f{\"u}r Akustik ({DAGA})}, address = {Nuremberg, Germany}, year = {2015}, pages = {1421--1424}, } @inproceedings{DriedgerMueller15_SVECascadedDecomposition_ICASSP, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Extracting Singing Voice from Music Recordings by Cascading Audio Decomposition Techniques}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ({ICASSP})}, year = {2015}, location = {Brisbane, Australia}, pages = {126--130}, } @inproceedings{DriedgerPM15_AudioMosaicingNMF_ISMIR, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Thomas Pr{\"a}tzlich and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {{L}et {I}t {B}ee -- Towards {NMF}-Inspired Audio Mosaicing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})}, address = {Malaga, Spain}, year = {2015}, pages = {350--356}, } @inproceedings{DittmarDM15_SeparateRestore_WASPAA, author = {Christian Dittmar and Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {A Separate and Restore Approach to Score-Informed Music Decomposition}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics ({WASPAA})}, address = {New Paltz, NY, USA}, month = {October}, year = {2015}, } @incollection{DriedgerM15_F0Estimation_DGM, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {{V}erfahren zur {S}ch{\"a}tzung der {G}rundfrequenzverl{\"a}ufe von {M}elodiestimmen in mehrstimmigen {M}usikaufnahmen}, booktitle = {Musikpsychologie -- Anwendungsorientierte Forschung}, editor = {Wolfgang Auhagen and Claudia Bullerjahn and Richard von Georgi}, year = {2015}, volume = {25}, pages = {55--71}, publisher = {Hogrefe-Verlag}, series = {Jahrbuch Musikpsychologie}, } @inproceedings{DriedgerMueller14_TSMToolbox_DAFX, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {TSM Toolbox: MATLAB Implementations of Time-Scale Modification Algorithms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx)}, address = {Erlangen, Germany}, year = {2014}, pages = {249--256}, } @inproceedings{DriedgerMD14_HPRSeparation_ISMIR, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller and Sascha Disch}, title = {Extending Harmonic-Percussive Separation of Audio Signals}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})}, address = {Taipei, Taiwan}, year = {2014}, pages = {611--616}, } @article{DriedgerME14_HPTSM_IEEE-SPL, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Meinard M{\"u}ller and Sebastian Ewert}, journal = {{IEEE} Signal Processing Letters}, title = {Improving Time-Scale Modification of Music Signals Using Harmonic-Percussive Separation}, year = {2014}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {105--109}, } @inproceedings{MuellerDE13_Quellentrennung_GI, author = {Meinard M{\"u}ller and Jonathan Driedger and Sebastian Ewert}, title = {{N}otentext-Informierte {Q}uellentrennung f{\"u}r {M}usiksignale}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 43th GI Jahrestagung}, address = {Koblenz, Germany}, year = {2013}, pages = {2928--2942}, } @inproceedings{DriedgerGPEM13_AudioDecomposition_ACM-MM, author = {Jonathan Driedger and Harlad Grohganz and Thomas Pr{\"a}tzlich and Sebastian Ewert and Meinard M{\"u}ller}, title = {Score-Informed Audio Decomposition and Applications}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia ({ACM-MM})}, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, year = {2013}, pages = {541--544}, } @incollection{MuellerD12_DataDrivenSoundTrackGeneration_DagstuhlFU, author = {Meinard M{\"u}ller and Jonathan Driedger}, title = {Data-Driven Sound Track Generation}, booktitle = {Multimodal Music Processing}, series = {Dagstuhl Follow-Ups}, pages = {175--194}, year = {2012}, volume = {3}, editor = {Meinard M{\"u}ller and Masataka Goto and Markus Schedl}, publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum f\"ur Informatik}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, } @inproceedings{MuellerPD12_TempoCrossVersion_ISMIR, author = {Meinard M{\"u}ller and Thomas Pr{\"a}tzlich and Jonathan Driedger}, title = {A cross-version approach for stabilizing tempo-based novelty detection}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval ({ISMIR})}, address = {Porto, Portugal}, year = {2012}, pages = {427--432}, }